Chapter 19

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Ynette's Pov (Surprise):

It has officially been one in a half weeks since I've been announced as pregnant. Jalen and I went to the doctors appointment and it was offcial. We are planning on telling our parents today and then everyone else later on this week. Right now I was at my house getting ready to go over to Jalen's house. As I was putting taking out my twist, Yasmin bust into my room.

"Who said you can bust into my room like that" I said to Yasmin. "Oh I just came to tell you that I know your little secret" she said. I was confused, I had no secrets to hide just that I was pregnant. "Your pregnant" she said bluntly. Of course she might have known, she was pregnant 6 times by 4 different guys and got an abortion with all of them. "Ok and..." I asked. "Oh nothing but when you get home from where ever your going, be ready to cry" she said with an evil smile. All I know is that she is up to no good.... like always.

I continued to get dressed. I put on my brooklyn finest T-shirt, some black leggings, a cropped sleeve plaid shirt, and all white High top converse. I let my hair go puffy and wild, and added some gold thin hoops.

I walked out the door to my black 2007 leaxus IS. I arrived at Jalen's house at 1:00pm on the dot. When I knocked on the door Ms.Shanice, his mom, answered it. "Hey Ynette" she said. "Hey mama" she insisted that I called her mama. When I walked into the house I spotted Aaliyah (A/N: I noticed Jalen's sister's name was Christina and Nigel's fiance' name is Christian so I chaned Jalen's sis name to Aalyiah and she is 11 years old). "Hey BabyGirl" I called Aaliyah. Since her name was 'Aaliyah' and her nickname was BabyGirl I decided to call his sister that. "Hey girrrla" I laughed at her.

I heard heavy foot steps coming down the stairs and saw Jalen and his dad. Oh great their all here, note the sarcasim. "Hey Mr. Hammond" I said to his dad. "Hey Ynette" He simply said back. "Since their all here I think it's a good time to tell them." Jalen whispered in my ear. I just nodded my head. "Guys...guys.... guys!" Jalen yelled getting their attention back. "Boy stop yellin through my house like that" his mom said while popping his hand. I laughed earing a mug from jalen.

"Anyway, Ynette and I have something to tell yall" Jalen said all calm. How could he be calm right now! My leg was shaking violently up and down, Jaken put his hand on it for me to calm down. I breathed in and out 5 times before talking. "Well, what is it?" his dad asked looking at us. "I-I-Im pr-pregnant" I said nervously. Nobody said anything it was just silnce. "Say something guys" Jalen said to them.

"Im gonna be an aunt!" Aaliyah said while jumping up and down smiling. I chuckled and was glad someone was happy. "Mom, Dad say something" I could tell Jalen was becoming nervous. "I always taught you to use a condom son" his dad said shaking his head. "At least it's with a smart girl and not these ho-- other girls out here" his dad said. I smiled but was still waiting on his mom response.

She sat there and shook her head. "Yall not even out of high school yet" his mom whispered. "Im sorry" I said. "It's no need to apoligize baby, Im happy that you guys are having my first grandchild" she said smiling at us. "Hey!, what about me?" Aaliyah asked. "Oh you ain't getting a boyfriend untill your 40" His dad said as we all laughed.

Later on I came back home to my house after we ate dinner. I walked into the house to see a smiling Yasmin on the couch. "What's wrong with you?" I asked. "No the question is what's gonna be wrong with you after mommy and daddy are done yelling at you" she said chuckling. "Why?" Im so confused right now. Just when she was about to speak my dad yelled my name louder than ever and Yasmin started laughing so hard she farted. I scrunched my face up in disgust. I walked to go see what my dad wanted and to be honest he sounded really mad.

"Yes?" I turned to see both my mom and dad looking really mad. "Is it true?" My mom asked crying. Now I was beyond scared straight, just playing but I was confused in why my mm was crying mad tears and my dad looked like he could have smoke coming out his ears. "Answer her!" my dad yelled in my face. If he wasn't my dad I would've set him straight. "I-is what true" I asked.

"Are you pregnant?!" my mom cried and yelled at the same time. I decided that I was gonna be bold and come straight out with it "Yes, yes it is. But who told you?" my dad was now pushing and throwing things around in his office, I never seen my parents so mad before. "YOUR NOT EVEN OUT OF HIGHSCHOOL YET AND YOU DECIDED TO HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX!!" my dad yelled. "Yes and Im keeping my baby. Im not gonna abort it like Yasmin did all six of her kids" I said with all my heart. "At least she was smart to get an abortion and not have no damn kids at 18 years old" my dad said. "You need to get an abortion" my mom said quitely. I was shookin by her words. Why would I do that to my unborn child? It's not their fault their in my tummy.

"No Im not" I said boldly. "Oh really?" my dad asked chuckling. I looked at him, "Yup" I said popping the p. "Ok sonce you wanna be grown pack your stuff and get the hell out" My dad said sternly. I couldn;t belive he was acctually kicking me out. "Forreal?" I asked shocked. "Yes for real" My dad said pointing out of his office. "Ok then punk ass, I do not consider you important in my life, not this crying ass bitch right here, or your hoe ass daughter out there. So when Im gone and you have noone to pack your weed up, ph and I bet you didn't know he smoked weed huh ma?" I said while my dad had a shocked look on his face and my mom looked at my dad. "But hey, you guys live a nice life without me or your future grandchild that is actually going to see the world" I said and with that I walked up stairs to began packing my stuff.


Drama, Drama. Drama

-Ynettes parents wanted her to get an abortion tho....

Yeah but read, vote, and shit

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