Chapter 11

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Taylor's POV:

I was so mad that Jacob would do something so stupid and think that him and Nikki (that's what her other nick name is) broke up. I mean he is stupid but i didnt know he was that stupid. Right now it was me, Jalen, and Kevin chillin at Kevin's house.

"I feel bad that we kept that Yasmin and Jacob from Nikki" Jalen said as he flipped through channels.

"I mean we did know Nikki longer, man I feel like shit now" Kevin said

"You look like it too" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"Man shut up!" Kevin said mugging me. I couldnt stop laughing at myself

"Okay, okay, dont be a cry baby" I said


We sat in silence for a while untill I decided to break the silence. "We should go visit her, to be there for her since it was half our fault" I said

"What about Jacob" Jalen asked

"Man, fuck that nigga" I said, everyone chuckled.

We hopped in Kevin's 2015 Civic Coupe and headed to Nikki's place.


We got out of ther car and knocked on Nikki's door. When she answered it she looked miserable. Her hair was all over the place, her eyes were red and puffy, and she looked high.

"Uuuuh, Nikki you aight?" Jalen asked as we walked into her house. Like always her mom was not home.

"What do you guys want" She said

"We came to check on you and make sure you're ok" I said fixing her hair with a brush.

"Yall weren't doin' shit when yall were helping Jacob cheat" she said

"Well we were helping him so we did something" Jalens dumb ass said. Kevin punched him in his arm.

"Ouch!" jalen yelled

"Shut the fuck up man!" Kevin said.

"No yall cool, I mean I have no more tears to waste on him" Nikki said pulling out a blunt.

" Damn girl I didnt know you smoked" i said

"I don't really do it but it helps me think. I found them in my brother's old room" she said blowing out smoke.

" Slide over let me hit it" Jalen said as she passed it around to him then Kevin and back to her again.

"Wanna hit it Tay" Kevin said

"Nah Im good" I said. I dont smoke ever since my cousin died from lung cancer. She used to smoke cigarettes very heavy, like one or two packs a day. When the doctor said she had lung cancer that didn't stop her from smoking and she didn't want to go to rehab. She died 3 months later.

"Okay ma" Kevin said

When they finished Nikki pulled out another one but I took it and the bag.

"Nope, no more for you, you, and you" I said pointing to all of them.

"Buzz Kill" Nikki said. I just shook my head.

"Guys guess what" Kevin said.

"What" I asked

"I dont feel like shit anymore"

I just sighed and layed down on the couch.

"Taylor lets have a girl talk, yall two stay down here" Nikki said all of a sudden

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