Chapter 33

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——Same Day—-

Nicole's POV:

My head was hurting so bad. I'm so glad Jacob is bringing me some food because this hospital food is poisonous. Right now I was sitting In my hospital room with Correy watching Spongebob. He offered to stay here with me until Jacob got back.

It was a little awkward being in here with just the two of us but I got over it. "Thanks for staying in here with me Correy" I said. He shrugged his shoulders.

"No problem"

"So how's life" I said trying to start a conversation.

"Well it's been alright for the most part, I got a baby on the way..." I was a little taken back by him saying he had a baby on the way. I'm not jealous or anything, I just never Imagined him with a baby.

"Oh congrats who is the lucky girl?" His body tensed up a little when I asked him that question.

"U-u-uh Pink.." he stuttered. He was looking kind of nervous but I shook it off. But that name though...

"Pink? Is that her real name no offense" I said.

"You alright and yeah it is" I nodded my head. An awkward silence took over the room until Jacob bust inside the room.

"I'm heeere!-" he cut his self off when he saw Correy sitting in the room.

"Wassup" Correy said nodding his head. Jacob didn't say anything to him and gave me my food while he bent down to whisper something in my ear.

"What's that nigga doin' here?" he asked.

"He was keeping me company until you came back" I sipped my soda.

"Well in that case..." Jacob bent down and kissed me on the lips. I knew that this was just to make Correy jealous and I couldn't help but kiss back.

I heard Correy clear throat. "Well I see you later Nicole" he came and gave me a hug while looking Jacob dead in his eyes but all Jacob did was smirk at him.

"Bye" I waved. As soon as I saw the door close I decided to speak to Jacob.

"Why would you do that?" I asked

"Do what?"

"Kiss me when you know you were trying to make Correy jealous" a smirk grew on his face.

"You liked it didn't you?" I tried to hide my blush but clearly it wasn't working.

"Exactly" I slightly rolled my eyes. Jacob took off his Nike slides and laid up in the bed with me.

"So bae I got some good news"  he said

"I'm not your bae but what is it?"

"I can't tell you yet until you get out of the hospital but just know that you and your family are gonna be happy" I rolled my eyes .

"Whatever, can I have one of your nuggets?" I saw him eat and his nuggets looked good.

"You have food so eat it" I took a bite into one of his nuggets.

"But Jaacooob" I whined while tugging on his arm. He took a deep sigh and dipped the nugget into the barbecue sauce.

"Here" he handed my the same nugget. I took it and ate it. It wasn't as good as it looked.

"What college do you think you wanna go to?" I asked Jacob. I was thinking that I would go to a college close to home because tuition is less and I will also be close to my family and friends.

"I don't know my mom thinks I should go to a college in Atlanta" he shrugged his shoulders. That was far away...way to far away from me. I sat up and looked him in his eyes.


"My dad teaches down there and my mom thinks I should go spend some time down there with him since I barely see him." I scrunched my eyebrows together. I thought that his father was dead or something.

"I thought your dad was dead"

He laughed a little "Nah my mom and dad got a divorce when I was younger so I was like fuck him and went with my mom". I never knew that.

"Wow, at least you have a dad. I never knew mines" I sat back finishing my soda.

"Dang" he said

"Yeah my mom said I look like him though and I act like him but I don't give a damn about who he is. If he left my momma then forget him"

"Alright let's get out of this conversation" he said. He looked down at his watch and back up at me.

"It's almost 8:00pm I'll see you tomorrow bae" he pecked my lips and slid his shoes on.

"Bye" I said as he waved and walked out of my room.

I still like Jacob...


Sorry it's short I did it in a little amount of time.

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