3|Caught You~

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"Katie, I need you to trust me," I turned back to see her shaking behind me. This castle was a goddamn maze. Katie unwillingly left the servants quarters to follow me out of the castle, despite her believing it was impossible. Apparently, she had tried a few months ago but luckily the Lady caught her while in a good mood and spared her, saying she may still have some use. Katie had told the Lady and several other villagers that she had a friend who would come to save her someday, me of course, and I have reason to believe this is what the Lady was referring to. How she thought I'd be useful I really don't know. What else had Katie told them about her or about me? I hoped she hadn't run her mouth too much; she always was a blabber mouth when we were kids. I shook my head and refocussed on the task at hand.

"Katie which way's the kitchen?" I whispered. She hurried over to me quietly as she'd fallen behind and almost bumped into me.

"Uhm, I think it's that way?"

"How can you not know? You've been here for ages," I rolled my eyes and held her hand to keep her close as we pressed on. We continued to speak in hushed voices, she'd informed me earlier that the Lady wasn't the only scary woman in the castle.

"I rarely went to the kitchen! I spent most of my time being a maid for the Lady upstairs, I would rarely come downstairs for anything," She shook her head. I turned another corner to a hallway I recognised from about 20 minutes ago. We'd gone in a circle. Why must this castle be so confusing. Suddenly, a high-pitched laugh came from down the hallway somewhere. It was maniacal and made my skin crawl. I pulled Katie into a room on the left, and we hid underneath a table. The room looked as if it was a dining room with 4 chairs seated around the large table we were under. The white tablecloth didn't quite touch the floor, but it was enough to hide us if someone came inside. The laughter drew closer and closer, and I had to hold Katie to stop her from shaking. She was petrified, did she know who the laughter was coming from? I shrugged it off and continued to wait for the laughter to disappear, which it did eventually. We got up from under the table and I peaked out of the door.

"Okay it's clear, lets go," I signalled for Katie to follow me, and we continued our search for the kitchen.

Eventually, we found it and it was still empty. I had no idea what the time was. We got to the door to the cellar, and I pulled my gun out, which surprised Katie. We hurried downstairs and it was eerily silent, almost too silent. We pushed on through and I tried my hardest to remember the directions back to the way I came in. I hoped we could escape the same way I came in. I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched or followed but there was nothing no matter how many times I turned around. We kept going for a few more minutes and I was surprised we hadn't encountered any of the creatures I had earlier, but I was also concerned because the body I shot down earlier had gone. I turned around to speak to Katie to see she was gone. I hadn't even noticed.

"Katie?" I called out quietly. I retraced about 9 steps back to find her before I heard footsteps behind me. I turned round in one swoop and held my gun up at whoever or whatever it was. A man in scruffy clothing holding a giant metal hammer filled my vision. He took a puff of his cigar before throwing it to the ground and squishing it with his boots. It was the man I'd seen back near the church.

"You made it pretty far," He chuckled and looked up at me from the floor, "Let's see what Mother Miranda thinks of you." He smirked and flicked his hand at me. It all happened so fast. Within seconds I was pinned to the floor by metal scraps that had been lying around the room. They encompassed me and made it impossible to move. I went to speak before I was muffled by the last piece of metal that fell and encased me in darkness. I could hear the man shuffling around before I was suddenly lifted into the air, onto his shoulder I presumed. Tears pricked my eyes as I hoped Katie had made it out and she was okay...

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