Eight. Mind Your Dollaz

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Chapter Eight | Mind Your Dollaz

January 2024

"Have you talked to Juju? I know you guys haven't talked since we announced that we got married, but has she reached out to you?" I asked Damasia.

Damasia groaned. "No. I haven't talked to Juju. She did not congratulate us, so I called her out about it, and she ended up taking her frustration of the family not liking her husband out on me, and she almost ended up getting her ass beat," Damasia explained.

I shook my head. I can't believe Damasia still hasn't talked to Juju since we announced our marriage.

Those two have always been so close, like two peas in a pod, so it bothers me that there's this rift between them now.

When Damasia told me that Juju didn't even congratulate us on our marriage, I was honestly shocked.

I know Juju can be a bit hot-headed and stubborn at times, but this just seems so out of character for her.

Damasia and Juju have always been there for each other, no matter what.

I understand Damasia's frustration, though. She was probably hoping her big sister would be overjoyed for her. Instead, Juju lashed out and took her anger over the family's dislike of her husband out on Damasia.

That must have been hurtful. I can only imagine how crushed Damasia must have felt at that moment - her sister refusing to be happy for her on one of the biggest days of her life.

No wonder she ended up nearly getting into a physical altercation with Juju. I'm just glad cooler heads prevailed and it didn't escalate any further.

Still, I can't help but feel like there's more to this story than Damasia is letting on. Juju has always adored her little sister.

She's been Damasia's biggest cheerleader and protector for as long as I can remember.

For her to suddenly turn her back on Damasia like this just doesn't sit right with me. There has to be some deeper underlying issue that's causing this rift between them.

Maybe Juju is jealous that Damasia is moving on with her life and got married without her.

Or perhaps she's feeling left out now that Damasia has me in her life. Juju is used to being Damasia's number one priority, and maybe she's worried that's going to change now.

I know how close those two are, and I can imagine it must be really hard for Juju to accept that her little sister is all grown up and starting a new chapter of her life.

Or maybe there's something else going on that I'm just not privy to. Damasia and Juju have always been incredibly close, but they also have a complicated relationship at times.

There have been periods in the past where they've butted heads and said hurtful things to each other, only to make up and be inseparable again.

Perhaps this is just another one of those cycles, and they need some time and space to work through whatever's going on between them.

Whatever the reason, I think Damasia needs to try to talk to Juju again when she's ready. I know she's hurt and angry right now, but holding onto that resentment isn't going to do her any good in the long run.

I want nothing more than for them to reconcile and go back to being the dynamic duo they've always been.

I know Damasia is worried about forcing Juju to be happy for us, and she's right - you can't make someone feel a certain way, no matter how much you want them to.

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