Chapter 7-Gym Gazelles . . . er . . . Hippos

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Mira charged into the gym as if she'd been there before. Which she hadn't, of course.

Never mind she was wearing a pair of bright blue sapphire leggings, a shirt so large that it hung to her knees, and a sweatband underneath a fluff of curly bangs. It had been years since I'd seen her without makeup, and her eyes seemed much smaller without exotic green eye shadow.

After checking in, she made a beeline straight for an elliptical, which I'd seen on TV before but never approached in person. I did so with the same hesitation I'd use to approach a ravenous bear just out of hibernation. Exercise outside of walking to and from my car was a bit of a foreign concept. I just didn't do stuff like this.

Anyway, most of the girls already gliding in place and glistening with moisture looked like gazelles. I, on the other hand, would look like a short-limbed hippo trying to fly.

"Mira, don't you think it's too early to work out?"

"Jump on!" she cried, jerking a thumb to the elliptical next to her. "They're low impact on your joints. We promised Bitsy we'd work out five times this week, remember?"


"It was in the contract you signed."

  "I didn't sign a contract."

She smiled. "Oh, right. I signed it for you."

I surveyed my other options with dismay. Most machines looked as complicated as heart surgery, while the rest of the weight equipment obviously required a degree in ballet just to maneuver into the right position. The treadmill seemed safe except for one big problem . . . jiggle. My butt would wobble like jello salad with every step.

Deciding that the elliptical would indeed be the safest, I staggered over with dramatic flair.

Bradley better be worth it.

"You're supposed to work out early to kick start your metabolism," Mira said, moving her legs in an awkward, stiff rhythm on the smooth elliptical tracks. "If you don't eat before you work out, it's a double bonus! Look, I even brought you a water bottle. Staying hydrated is very important. Thirst is often mistaken as hunger."

She waved a Dasani in front of my face as if that were an incentive to be in a gym, surrounded by already fit people, at six in the morning. Water? She had to be kidding. Chocolate milk on the other hand . . .

I forced myself from the thought with a snap of my head. Diet. Meeting Bradley. Looking hot. I had objectives I must stick to. Oddly, the thought motivated me, so I climbed onto the hippo trap with very little grace.

"This better be worth it," I muttered under my breath, conjuring a daydream where I met Bradley. He, of course, looked perfect, with his warm smile and broad shoulders. A simple black dress for me, thanks. My hair would be longer by then, so I'd wear it up and—

An obnoxious beep from the machine broke into my happy reverie. I glanced down to see a myriad of flashing lights I didn't understand.

"Geez!" I pressed buttons, hoping it would stop alarming. "What did I do? Steal something?"

"You have to start it, silly," Mira said, reaching over to slap the start button. "You can configure your stats as you go."

"My stats?"

"Yeah, like age and weight. It figures out your calories from there. It's more accurate if you have a heartbeat monitor, of course." She thumped something underneath her shirt with a knuckle. "Then it's really accurate. I've already burned ten calories. I think that's a grape."

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