An Unexpected Path

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~Takes place in September of 2040 in Detroit, MI. Characters included - Connor & Hank Anderson~

(y/n) = Your name

(e/c) = Your eye color


"Connor!" you yell. "Stay with me! Don't shut down!"

Even with your expertise and knowledge in CyberLife technology, you can't help but think the worst. Dread is slithering through the red and blue veins, chilling you to the bone and making your heart race. All of your fine hairs sprout upward with full attention as if giving a standing ovation. Goosebumps begin to sneak up, greeting this cold night as the worst of your nightmares begin the slippery slope of anguish. But your most noticeable attribute right now is the sweat upon your brow, and an expression that shows all of your emotions being squeezed out for this individual that plays an important role in your life.

Memory serves well to remember the first time you had met. It was right after the revolution ended and androids were given the right to work with compensation. Two strange men arrived at the front door of your workplace, asking to speak to you about a client. You motioned them upstairs to the second story dedicated to a living space, a place you could easily call home. The idea was that you could always help those in need of an emergency, regardless of time. That's what hospitals do, they stay open 24/7. So you figured you'd do the same. It can be tiring of course, but that's why you hired a few part-time employees to work at your small clinic.

Ever since their last investigation they've been coming back. Sometimes they would need help with acquired information for a case, from time to time Connor would show up alone to get an examination or minor repair, but the best moments were the days that he'd arrive just to talk and see you. Besides the times you both were able to hang out with one another, of course.

There's no denying that deep down you felt something for him, but you kept it buried like how the paranoid prepare for a zombie invasion by concrete sealing the caskets. He's an android that was originally designed for police and detective work, not a spouse or companion, and your belief is that he most likely wouldn't strain to find romance or a relationship. Even if he changes his mind later down the line, you figure he'd be more comfortable being with someone like himself.

Human-Android relationships aren't as common as most believe, but they do happen. It's mostly due to the easy, simple connection that two machines can forge within a few days, versus the few months or even a year long commitment that humans have to go through. The second reason has to do with reproduction. A lot of individuals wish to have their own child with their special someone. Kind of hard to do if one is an android.

Now here you are with dread forcing your heart to become as heavy as a concrete filled barrel. He's in a condition that's too hard for you to describe. There's no way you're going to even imagine saying that he's... well, fading away. It's been nearly six months of friendship, and you've never once even tried to talk to him about the way you feel. How you can't imagine continuing life without him in it, that even if you just remain friends then you'll still be truly happy. How his subtle smiles light up your day, the slight twinkle in his eyes when he catches you in a playful lie, his innocent curiosity of everything new, and the warm, happy feeling that he gives you when he touches your hand. Now you truly wish that he knew... because he might not ever get the chance to know. To be told by someone that they absolutely adore him, that he's perfect in your eyes regardless of his flaws, and that no matter what happens you'll be there for him every step of the way. If only you ever get that chance... but it seems too late now.

Vacant, (e/c) eyes stare down at his blue stained body. The button-up shirt is ripped open, his tie and jacket are absent from view, and his soft skin is slowly beginning to fade away from the scattered wounds. Hands become nervous, shaky as your face shifts to one of scared concern.

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