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Haii I'm Lisa I'm also 14 I have dark brown hair brown eyes my mother died when I was 5 in a fire but I'll tell you the rest of that later my friends are Liam (crushing) and dartha they are my only true friends I love them to death before school we always meet up outside the school building. This morning I woke up to find my fathers whisky spilt on the table and my dad passed out on the floor it's like I have to take care of him. When I got to school I saw Liam and dartha Haii guys whats up? Police are all over the school Liam said omg really I said in shock we went into the building for sure we were surrounded by police asking us questions. Like when's the last time you saw this girl she died 2 days ago? Do you know this girl? Where you close to her? This girl died in this building on a Saturday night! Me Liam and dartha cut through and saw the body. When I woke up I was surrounded by doctors are you ok man hello can you hear us. So many thoughts rushed through my head. What am I doing here what happened an then I remembered ohh my gosh get me out of here. A doctor grabbed my arm I exclaimed let me go! Now! The girl that died in the school was your sister the one you don't live with im sorry for your loss you may leave now. I fell to the floor why why did you take her away she is MY sister and you took her away I started to cry. As I walked home I could feel her presence right next to me like she was still alive I miss you sis I whisper to myself. A few days later dartha came to my house here is some food you haven't been eating well so do so now. The next day I was strong enough to go to school. My head was down I did not smile through the whole day infact I haven't smiled since I heard about my sisters death I could not bare to hear another word about her death. People came up to me and was saying sorry for your loss I would give them a dirty look and sure you are. I felt unloved not cared for and broken. I could not talk I would start to hear voices I feel like ima bout to g-go crazy. A year went by I haven't said one word but that's going to change this year. Liam came up to me and asked how are you doing I said real low in a soft voice I'm doing good what about you? Same Liam said and turned. I worry about you Lisa I really do I want you to be safe be carful Liam said while looking nervous. When I got home police were at my door hand cuffing my dad. Dad what's going on I said scared!

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