Chapter 1

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 Annabeth and I were sparring. Again. Or, at least we were until a certain daughter of Zeus decided to pay us a visit.

"KELP HEAD!" Thalia yelled over the clanking of weapons. 

I almost dropped Riptide, so Annabeth used this to her advantage and quickly moved around me to place her dagger at my throat. "Not fair!" I whined.

 "Who said life was fair, Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth let go, grinning widely. "What are you here for, Thals?"

 "Yeah, what ARE you here for, Pinecone Face?" My cousin ignored me and turned to my girlfriend. Rude.

"Well, Annie-" she started. 

"Don't call me Annie!" Annabeth glared half-heartedly. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Annie. Anyway, Chiron told me to come to get you guys for a meeting at the Big House. All the cabin counselors and the rest of the 7 are there already," she told us. 

"Oh!" Annabeth hated being late.

 "Yeah! Come on, let's go!" Thalia said impatiently. 

"Alright, alright!" she replied, sheathing her dagger. I capped Riptide and followed the two to the Big House, where Chiron was standing in centaur form.

"Good, you three are here, come inside," he welcomed. Thalia was sorta right, for once. All of the counselors were there, along with Frank, Hazel, Jason, Leo, and Piper, but Grover, Nico, Reyna, Rachel, and Calypso were also all standing around the ping pong table. All of them were munching on Cheez Whiz and crackers.

Except for Grover. He was eating an aluminum can.

"FINALLY! You guys are here!" Leo yelled, and I can kinda get him. I mean, we're the most ADHD out of the demigods.

"So, Chiron, why did you call us all here?" Katie Gardner from Demeter Cabin asked.

 "Yeah, why?" That came from Piper.

"Well..." And I knew there was trouble. He never uses that 'well' unless there's trouble. I've known him for a long time. Well, since I was twelve, and now I'm seventeen, so... Wait, I'm getting off track now. Stupid ADHD. "You see, children, I believe that you should try to have a normal life, somewhat-" Most of us snorted. Yeah, as if. "-So the gods and I have decided to send some of you to high school." Chiron continued quickly with, "Specifically Goode High." At this, the entire room erupted into protest. Seriously, why SCHOOL, of all things? I'd rather fight 20 hellhounds.

"Why?" Annabeth asked curiously.

 "I think that you should be able to experience the outside world," Chiron answered. "I know some of you might not like it, but you should just try to adapt to a normal life, just for one year. After that, you'll be heading to New Rome." Some people agreed with him, while others were still grumbling. 

"Why Goode?" I wondered. 

"You are already familiar with the grounds, and I know Mr. Blofis will be there to supervise you," he told me. Ok, that makes sense, which I guess makes sense since this IS Chiron. 

"Who's Mr. Blowfish?" Leo snorted. 

"My stepdad," I responded, "Cool. What's his first name?" "Paul."

"What's your stepdad doing at Goode?" Piper interrupted.

 "He's the English teacher," I tell her. 

"Oh," she said awkwardly.

"Who's going?" Jason asked. 

"The 7, Thalia, Calypso, and Nico," Chiron said. 

"Why doesn't Grover have to come?" I grumbled. 

"Mr. Underwood will be away protecting new demigods," Chiron answered.

"Why can't Will come?" Nico complained.

 "I am apologetic, but Mr. Solace won't be able to join you." The old centaur looked sorry.

 "I'm not going if he's not going." The son of Hades crossed his arms stubbornly. 

Will put a hand on his shoulder. "It'll be fine Neeks. You should go," he told his boyfriend. "For me."

 Nico sighed. "Fine," he reluctantly agreed. "For you."

"When are we going?" I asked.

 "You will be heading into the city on Saturday," Chiron said. So in... 3 days. Wait no, it's Thursday, so... 2 days? Yeah, I think so.

 "What time?" 

"At noon."


"If no one has any questions, I will send you on your way," he told us. Nobody said anything (Annabeth didn't, promise), so he dismissed us.

Time Skip to Friday Night

I was in my cabin, staring at a wall when Annabeth came in. 

"Hey!" I turned to her.

 "Have you packed yet?" Okay, right to the point.

 I rubbed the back of my neck. "Erm-"

 She sighed. "Of course you didn't. Need help?" I looked at her gratefully. 

"Fine." Annabeth went over to my bed and pulled a blue with sea-green ocean designs suitcase from under it. Huh? How did that get here? 

Seeing my confused expression, she explained, "All the gods gave their children a special suitcase that can be filled endlessly. Mine's a gray one with an owl."

My girlfriend scanned the room, taking in the messy clothes strewn around. She rubbed her temple with her fingers, sighing. Annabeth then went over to my dresser, which was half open but slightly neater. "I guess this will have to do." She started refolding the clothes and putting them in my suitcase and glared at me. "Well, are you gonna help or keep staring?" I quickly scrambled off my bed and started helping, though my folding was much messier than hers.

After a few hours, we finally finished packing my suitcase. By then it was time for dinner, so we headed there together. After that, everyone headed back to their cabins, and I tiredly called 'lights out' before falling asleep.

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