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EFFORTLESS. that word alone couldn't even describe the way his wrist competently flicked splotches of color onto the canvas. a wrist that was covered by colorful friendship bracelets made out of lanyard string. a wrist connected to a calloused hand with bulging veins. a calloused hand with bulging veins that you unthinkingly sketched, outlined and colored with gouache paint onto a canvas. you unthinkingly sketched, outlined and colored every single little detail that his calloused hand with bulging veins that was connected to his wrist had to offer with gouache paint onto a canvas - but left out the diamond ring that embraced his ring finger.

"oh, how beautiful..." mrs. esther cabot was a quiet, mellow and artsy woman who had been working at this art school for over twenty years. the fifty-one year old woman placed her soft hand on your shoulder, admiring your work that you had just finished. she examined your art with a keen eye, smiling as she found a new detail in every place she looked. "this is definitely your most detailed work, y/n. i'm impressed."

your heart swelled, taking in all the praise. a couple of heads turned and necks reached to catch a glimpse of your finished project that you had spent the past five days on. the only head that mattered, however, was his. he sat right beside you, taking his attention away from his work to lean over to his left, viewing your work. you gulped as you watched his eyes shift all over as he looked at the painting.

he smiles and brings his small, intense brown eyes to yours. "wow, y/n...this is beautiful," he expresses with a sweet tone. his tone was always sweet, but maybe that's because you'll always hear and see him that way - sweet. "who was your reference? you pay very close attention to detail."

.𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄 | jean x black readerWhere stories live. Discover now