.how it should be

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YOU POPPED A MINT into your mouth as you got out of your car

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YOU POPPED A MINT into your mouth as you got out of your car. you walked past the other parked cars in the parking lot as you were approaching the front door of the school building. you checked your large handbag to make sure you had all your supplies for the fifth time as you walked over to the trash bin to throw out your empty cup that had hot tea in it earlier. you threw it in and almost walked away until you noticed a painted canvas, backtracking quickly. you stared into the garbage can and you realized it was jean's painting of his wife that he had been working on for days.

oddly enough, your first instinct was to take it out but you didn't. you gulped and stared at the ruined painting a little longer before you walked into the building, on your way to class. why would he throw it away? did you really want to know in the first place? you knew you weren't going to confront him about it, after all it really wasn't any of your business.

once you made it to your class, you greeted the other students with smiles and waves before sitting down. jean was usually there before you, but today he wasn't. was he absent? is he sick? you started to curse yourself out in your head for becoming borderline stalker-ish. you lived in your own world where the only other person that resided there was jean, so without him you felt alone. pathetic, girl, you are pathetic.

jean walked into class with his small bag of supplies and you sighed with relief, calming down from your mild panic. "hi, jean," you greet him.

"hey," his face immediately lit up when he saw you, smiling wide as he ran his fingers through his hair.

.𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄 | jean x black readerWhere stories live. Discover now