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FRIDAY FINALLY ARRIVED and your artwork was finally going to be shown in the school gallery, in a special exhibition for your class

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FRIDAY FINALLY ARRIVED and your artwork was finally going to be shown in the school gallery, in a special exhibition for your class. you were not only excited that other people were going to see your work, but you were excited to see what your colleagues had made as well. you invited oriana and yan to the presentation and they gladly accepted the invite.

"this jean boy better be nice," oriana huffed as she got out of the passenger seat, slamming the door shut. for the first time ever, you felt annoyed hearing his name. ever since that day at the museum, you were trying to keep him from intruding your thoughts, trying to focus on your craft and on school.

you slammed the door shut and threw your car keys in your handbag as you slid it on your shoulder. "we're not here for jean, oriana. we're here to see art," you reminded her with a firm tone.

yan got out of the backseat and followed behind you and oriana into the building. "yeah right," he says, sucking his teeth.

you stopped in your tracks and shot them both death glares. "i'm serious. i don't want you guys speaking of him today, okay?" they nod, giving you apologetic looks. it was ironic how you were dead set on not having his name mentioned, yet his hand was the centerpiece of your canvas.

after a long, draining, yet inspiring speech cabot was giving to the class and all the visitors about how hard-working you and your colleagues were and how talented you all were, the gallery was finally opened for everyone to see.

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