.constant gardener

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"MOMMA, I FORGOT to mention, your hair looks so nice," you expressed as you walked beside yan behind your mom

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"MOMMA, I FORGOT to mention, your hair looks so nice," you expressed as you walked beside yan behind your mom. your mother had gotten butterfly locs for the first time, even added a hint of purple in it to "make herself look younger."

the next morning, as expected, you were feeling much better and you were glad you had quickly gotten over that inconvenient cold. it was a nice way to get out of class, however. so the next day, you got yourself out of bed and got ready to spend the day with your small, immediate family. you, yan, and your mother were at the National Museum of African Art.

she turned around and smiled, giggling sweetly. "thanks, baby. i really love it. makes me feel hip," she told her, making you laugh. your mother truly was a wholesome, sweet woman. nearing her late 50s, she still looked good for her age. "y'know, as long as you don't get a ring put on that lil' finger and bear me some grandchildren, i'll-"

"always stay young," you finished for her, rolling your eyes playfully as you guys walked past all the exhibits. "i know, mama, but that ain't happening anytime soon."

yan snorts. "yeah, 'cause you chasin' after a married white man."

you playfully hit him, careful not to cause a ruckus in the museum. "don't say it like that, yan. i'm not chasin' after him."

your mother shakes her head, chuckling at the two of you. "don't be ashamed baby, your father got me that way. i was married when we first met. as soon as i got my divorce and made it public, he was already at my doorstep waitin' fa' me." you laughed at the little story, sighing heavily. it didn't really sound flattering to wait on a married man.

.𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄 | jean x black readerWhere stories live. Discover now