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Hyejin pov

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder.
"Babe... Princess... Love... we're landing soon. You have to wake up." I heard a gentle voice say. Slowly, I opened my eyes to see Byul smiling at me. "Hello love, did you enjoy your nap?"
Oh that's right. After we boarded I fell asleep, then I woke up a little bit later. Shortly after, they passed out food, and then we watched a movie. The last thing I remember was being sleepy and then Byul telling me that she'd wake me up.
"Yeah, thanks for waking me up." I said, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
"It's no problem babe. I said I would wake you up, so I did. Plus, it's not like we could leave you."
"No. Even if Wheein and Yong told me to leave you, even though they wouldn't, I absolutely would not. Not in a million years Ahn Hyejin."
I love this woman so much. She knows my insecurities and knows just how to squash them out. If everyone had Byul as a partner, everyone would be happy.
I smiled at her, and she smiled back. I realized that I already had my seat belt on. She must have buckled me in. I love this thoughtful woman more than life.

After they landed

We all got off the plane and went to baggage claim to get our bags. Once we all got our bags, we took a shuttle to the car rental place to pick up the car Wheein and Yongsun rented for our trip.
We got into the rental car and put all our bags into the trunk.
"So... where is the airbnb?" I asked
"So, technically, its not an airbnb. The house is located at 'Ewa beach. Its owned by Yonghee's friend." Wheein replied since Yong was driving.
"Is the house nice?" Byul asked.
"Yeah, they said they left some stuff in the shed for us to take out to the water."  Wheein answered.
"That's nice of them." I said
"We have arrived!" Yong said. "Let's unload the car first, then we can go play at the beach."
"Alright!" We all replied.

Byul pov.

After we unloaded the rental and picked our rooms, we decided to go to the nearest store and get some food for the week so that we can cook. We all got back in the car, Wheein and Yong in the front and Hyejin and me in the back. It took us 10 minutes to get to a Safeway. Once we got out, we split up. Wheein and Hyejin were going to get the cheese, butter, milk, and eggs. Yong and I were supposed to get the bread, potatoes, corn, and meat.
After we regrouped and payed, we went back to the house. Yong and I were putting stuff away, while the other two were changing into their bathing suits. After we finished putting everything away, I put the meat into a container with soy sauce, brown sugar, cayenne pepper, chopped up Thai peppers, and sesame seeds. After I finished, I walked the short distance from the kitchen to mine and Hyejin's room.
"Hey ba- woah." As soon as I walked in, I was greeted by Hyejin in a red bikini. Slowly I walked closer to her, and kissed her. "You look... amazing... in this." I said between kisses, groping her voluptuous ass.
"Thank you." She replied after the kiss, a light blush tainting her cheeks.
"I gotta change first." I said going to grab my bathing suit.
"Alright, I'll wait."
Quickly, I got changed into the black bathing suit I bought with Yong. The bottoms looked kind of like shorts and the top was a cropped halter top. It left my stomach slightly exposed, but overall, it covered enough for me.
"Ready?" She asked me.
"Ready." I responded.
We interlaced our hands and left the room. We walked out to the backyard and opened the gate to the beach. Yong and Wheein were already playing in the water. Yong's bathing suit looked like a black version of Hyejin's and Wheein's top looked like a black spaghetti strap bikini. The bottoms looked like high waisted shorts.
"Babe look! You and Hyejin match!" Wheein shouted, to which I laughed.
"Babe you sure you went shopping with Wheeinnie and not Yeba?" I said turning to ask Hyejin.
"I'm pretty sure." She replied with a smirk. "AHH!" She shouted as she got water dumped on her.
From the corner of my eye, I could see Wheein running away, dropping the small bucket next to Hyejin.
"WHEEIN YOU ARE SO DEAD!" she screamed running after Wheein.
"BE CAREFUL YOU TWO!" Yong shouted. "One of them is going to fall."
"Obviously." I responded, sitting with my feet in the water. "So, aside from chilling here, what do you guys have planned?"
"Nothing much. Wheein wanted to try horseback ridding and zip lining, so we're doing that tomorrow. I want to go drive around the island, but we can do that anytime really. What do you and Hyejin want to do?"
"I want to go to the mall but we can do that anytime. Hyejin said she just wanted to chill here."
"Alright so what do you want to do and when, since this trip is really for your birthday."
"Well we have plans tomorrow, and my birthday is the day after, so why don't we just eat dinner or something? We can do some stuff before then, or we could just relax."
"Okay sound good."
Right as we finished our conversation, Wheein and Hyejin came back. Wheein was pouting and Hyejin was laughing. "Wheein tripped, I didn't do anything."
"My poor baby, come here." Yong said, stretching her arms out to embrace Wheein.
From behind her, I looked at Hyejin and pretend to throw up, and she laughed. She walked over to me, and I wrapped an arm around her waist.
We walked along the beach when she broke the silence. "What do you want to do for your birthday?"
"I figured we could just chill here, then have dinner. Wheein and Yong wanted to go horseback riding and zip lining tomorrow, so it will be a nice opportunity to just relax."
"Okay." She responded pulling me down to sit next to her.
I turned to look at her, and she looked absolutely ethereal. The way the sunlight behind her made her look like she was glowing, her beautiful, long hair pushed to the side, she looked like a goddess.
"Byul... you're staring..."
"I can't help it, you're absolutely stunning."
"You're so greasy." She replied, scrunching her nose.
"Just telling the truth."
"OKAY!" We both yelled back.
"IS THE MEAT IN THE FRIDGE?" Wheein asked.
"OKAY, THANKS!" And with that, she ran back to the house.
Once again, we both laughed at Wheein's puppy-like-ness.
"We should head back to the house." She said.
"Alright." I responded.
We both got up and looked at the ocean from out spot on the beach. I reached my hand out and intertwined our fingers. Smiling we both started walking back to the house.

I kinda forgot about this story. Sorry about that... I honestly just remembered cause I had a writing assignment for school. Anyway, updates are gonna be slow since I have school and not a lot of time to write. I'll try my best to write on the weekends but once again, I probably won't update once a month.

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