Chapter Six: We Who Sin

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It was an odd way to start his new life of not being homeschooled, having no friends, and only knowing how to make and drink coffee. Well, he supposed it wasn't really the start, but things were just now starting to look up, sorta. The gentle clatter of pots and pans being moved about in the downstairs kitchen lingered quietly in the background as Craig and Tweek attempted to get to know each other. The smell of some sort of meal being out out for everyone to serve themselves wafted up the stairs and soon, Helen Tweak was calling them to dinner.

Tweek got up from his spot, where minutes earlier hed been cozily curled into his comforter as Craig told him about his obsession with space and the cosmos, red racer, and his guinea pig who he would meet tomorrow. He stopped Tweek from leading the way down stairs. "Hey," Craig Tucker inhaled deeply, "Im sorry about the other day. Calling you a spazz, a druggie, and well, spitting on you." He murmured. If he wanted to be a good mate, he could not let the past weigh him down. He needed Tweek to see his willingness for him.

Tweek examined the alphas expression, trying to find some sort of real emotion, but unfortunately, he was drawing a blank. Craig didnt look sorry, didnt really sound sorry either. Did Craig even actually like him? What was this about? Something like pain clipped his heart again, and he glanced away. What was there to truths without the shadow of lies? What was there to lies but the humble beginnings of truth? Tweek swallowed, "Its fine." He led them down the creaky stairwell, and his mind raced through so many wild theories that he felt like he had whiplash. Craig Tucker was not who he was trying to be. He was lost, Tweek decided.

He had that far off look in his eyes, and he never spoke what he meant and he never meant what he spoke. Something like that. He was the red spot on Jupiter, far away, and Tweek didn't really understand it and it scared him as much as it fascinated him. He sat down silently for dinner, and his mother looked at the two of them, but his father did not. Richard Tweak cared for very few things. Money, Coffee, and his Wife. His son was just a lousy corporate worker, but there were times he entertained the father role. Tweek wondered if this would be one of them. His father never had liked alphas. Both his parents were betas, so it was a little odd having the smell of that dynamic mixed in.

He glanced up at the two, finally, but his expression was unchanging, like the rise and fall of the moon and sun, consistent. "Welcome to the family." He nodded, but merely looked back to his dinner and that was it. The end. Tweek stared at his plate of pasta for a few moments.

With the grace of a lion unintentionally stepping on a beetle, his mother sat down a cup of water and all of his colored pills. "Here you go," she said sweetly, and he wondered if Craig was right and he was a druggy. What were these for again? He awkwardly swallowed them down as fast as he could and prayed Craig didnt ask him any questions later. He knew that would not be the case though, given the expression the boy made.

His brows furrowed up, and he stared at Tweek with an intense look. It wasn't so much chilling as it was awkward. He quietly picked at his pasta and occassionally a few forkfuls found their way into his mouth. His mother wasnt a terrible cook. Her food was just bland. Tasteless was better than nasty, at least. He sat his pasta aside, finally giving up his useless game of cat and mouse with it.

"May I be excused?" His mother looked at him oddly, "Well, yes but dont you want to stay until Craig is done?" "I have to use the bathroom." He mumbled. It was true, kinda. He hat to piss, but his reasons for wanting escape ran deeper. "Oh, alright," she nodded for him to leave.


He was gone so fast, Craig was surprised his pants didnt catch on fire. He narrowed his eyes, running again, huh? Sighing, he finished his serving of tasteless macaroni, "Thank you for dinner." He didnt offer to help with the dishes or clear the table. Something about that pill was suspicious. Where had he seen them before? And why did their coffee smell funny? Like, dusty. Hm. Hed have to do some snooping into that.

He headed up the stairs, ignoring the quieted talk between Tweeks parents. He knocked on the presumed bathroom door, "Honey?"

Tweek watched him knock on a closet door, confused, "Craig, why are you knocking on the closet door?" He asked. Craig Tucker did not jump. "Oh- I-" his face was also not red, "I thought it was the bathroom." He supplied, he didnt know what awkward was. He was calm, collected, the coolest kid in the damned near world.

"Okay.. it's to the left. Did- gyah- did you need to use it?" He asked, tilting his head. "Oh, no. I was looking for you. Are you okay?" He asked, making his way to the blonde. He guides them back into Tweeks room like hes the one that lives there. "You should consider cleaning your room. Looks like a rats nest in here." He murmured, kicking a random plastic cup out of the way.

"Gyah! You dont think I really have rats... Do you? Oh god, what if I do?" He murmured, anxious eyes flittering around nervously. Craig frowned, "Hey, calm down." He said softly, "We can clean it together. Then itll be rat free, promise."


Downstairs, in front of the picturesque family dining table, sat Mr. and Mrs. Tweak, discussing in hushed, worrisome voices. "I dont know, he seemed onto us. Maybe we should pull Tweek from school." She mumbled. "Or we could tell him hes not allowed to have a nosy ass boyfriend." Richard muttered, "Why should we change our livelihood for some twerp who thinks hes tough shit?"

"Glad to know you think I'm tough shit."

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