Chapter Five: We Don't Grieve

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Anxiously, Tweek jittered, biting his lip. Did that mean he had a boyfriend? He frowned, standing up and starting after him, it was the way home after all. The crunching sound of his feet demolishing the icy snow echoed around him.

"Ack- what does that mean? Can you even do that?" He asked, anxiety riddling his under eyes, "I thought both people had to agree." Craig turned around, "but you did agree." He pointed out, tiling his head at him.

His dark bangs moved very slightly but the blue chullo hat kept them mostly in place. "Nng.. I did?" He said, more to himself, "Yeah. You asked me out and I said yes. So we agreed." Tweek narrowed his eyed skeptically. "I dont remember that..."

Craig frowned, walking up to him, hand touching his forehead delicately, "hm. Are you feeling okay, Honey?" he asked, looking concerned. Tweeks eyes widened. Was he losing it? Or was Craig?

The way Craig leaned in, pressing his forehead against his made his heart feel like it was stopping. "Uhm.. Im okay." "Alright, let me walk you home, just to make sure."

Tweek stared, foggy minded. "Oh-ack- okay." He murmured, twitching a little. He expected Craig to just let him lead the way but the raven wrapped his arm around him, pulling his body closer.

On the walk to his house, neither boy said much, but Craig did touch shoulder and rub his arm. When they finally got to his front door, instead of letting Tweek just go in, he knocked.

Bewildered, the blonde looked at him, "What? I have my own-ah-keys.." "Honey, we agreed Id meet your parents and stay the night if it was okay. Are you sure you're feeling okay?" Panic coated his features.

Did he really not remember that? "Nng.. Maybe not." He murmured, shifting uncomfortably. "I really don't remember." He murmured.

"Okay, honey. Let me introduce myself to your parents and then we will get you settled in bed with me." "With you?" He asked, eyes wide and cheeks flushed.

"Yes?" Craig murmured, inspecting the blondes face. "Honey, dont you wanna sleep with me?" He asked Tweek, still checking him over. For a brittle moment that hung heavy in his heart, Tweek had to wonder if he did or not.

"Oh hello, I didnt realize Tweek was bringing company." A forced smile. "Hes a little past curfew. Who might you be?" The alpha wrapped one arm around the small of Tweeks waist, reaching his hand out to Mrs. Tweak.

"Hello Ma'am. Its my fault hes a little late, I walked slow to enjoy our alone time." His voice was calloused and with a thick nasally undertone that Tweek found attractive. "Oh, my." She murmured, reaching to shake his hand.

"Craig Tucker, yours sons boyfriend and future mate." He intrigued. Tweeks mother blinked a few times. "Right.. Well, nice to meet you. Will you be eating dinner here?" "Mhm. And staying the night."

Tweek felt left out of the conversation, like what he said wouldn't matter anyways. "Alright, dear. You can go to Tweeks room and Ill bring some coffee up in a few minutes."

"Mhm." Craig placed his hand on Tweek slower back, so the blonde led the way to his room, staying quiet the entire time. When they got inside, Craig shut the door behind them.

"Honey, do you really want me to leave?" The tender expression on Craigs face made his heart skip a beat, but Tweek held his ground. "You're trying to make me think I'm crazy, but I'm not. I didn't ask you out, and I didn't say yes."

"Okay, but now you see that I will be a good fit for you. I'll take care of you, and treat you well. So, say yes now." Tweek frowned, picking his brain. "And if I still dont wanna?" He asked, tilting his head.

Craig gave him a coy smile, lips turned into a sexy half-smirk, "you think I'll leave it alone? I finally found someone that makes me feel something other than angry. You're not going anywhere, Honey."

The sentiment behind Craigs words made the blondes heart skip a beat. "I-yeah.. Okay. We can give this a shot." He murmured, sitting down. "That's what I like to hear."

Craig grinned and cupped his face, "I'm gonna kiss you." There was no hesitation in his voice, it wasn't a question, but the way he waited for Tweek's response told him he wouldn't go into it without permission.

"Okay," he murmured, a little nervous. Hed never had a first kiss, not a good one. He remembered kissing a little girl once on the parks playground when he was little but it wasnt more than a friendly, childlike peck- and it was on the hand.

Craig leaned in, lips brushing over Tweeks as they got closer to kissing. The door opened and Tweek jolted away. "Hi, Sweetie. I brought you each coffee. Dinner in ten minutes, so be downstairs soon." She smiled at them warmly.

"Ah- yes ma'am." Craigs monotonous voice rang out, making Tweeks face flush. She sat the mugs down and left, shutting the door behind her. Tweek avoided looking at Craig as he got up, ready to go drown his embarrassment in coffee.

Craig caught his waist, and before Tweek could protest or ask what he was doing, Craig jerked him back til he landed in his lap. His hands slid up his shirt and he turned to ask what Craig thought he was doing when their lips met.

Tweeks eyes widened, and he froze. He was shocked by the suddenness of it, but Craigs hands smoothing into his sides made him gulp and lean into him, eyes fluttering shut as he attempted to kiss him back. The kiss was clumsy and coarse, both of their lips having been chapped- but it was theirs.

Tweek pulled away first, staring anywhere but Craig. "Honey." He murmured, guiding Tweeks face until Tweek looked at him. "Yes?" "Youre mine."

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