Chapter 1 - Dinner

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Harry walked through the front door of 12 Grimmauld Place.

As he shut the door behind him, he called, "Ginny! I'm home!"

He heard Ginny call back, "In the kitchen Love!"

Harry still couldn't believe that he was married to Ginny. It's been a wonderful 3 years. Harry was also getting noticed at work as being a top-notch, no-nonsense Auror. Head Auror Robards had placed several letters of recommendation in his personnel file and started giving Harry harder cases that really tested his skills. Life was good for Harry.

He walked into the kitchen and Kreacher trotted up to him and took Harry's traveling cloak, "Good evening Master Harry." Kreacher hung the cloak with great care.

Harry smiled at the house-elf and replied, "Good evening Kreacher."

Harry then looked over across the kitchen and saw Ginny standing by the stove. She looked amazing. Ginny wore a black spaghetti strap dress with her black high heel dress pumps. The skirt of the dress flowed out into an 'A' form and hit her just about mid-thigh. Harry could see the scar on her leg that ran up her thigh and disappeared under the dress. Ginny got that scar during the war in a duel with a death eater and she never hid it. She wore that scar like a badge of honor. Harry loved that about her. She pinned her long fire red hair up in a French twist. Her makeup was done very tastefully and barely noticeable, just the way Harry liked it. Harry saw some of the muggle women paint themselves to the point that they resembled clowns. Harry never saw much use for all that makeup. Ginny slowly walked across the kitchen to her husband. All Harry could hear was the click of her high heel shoes on the slate tile. His heart skipped a beat or two and his palms started to sweat. Even after dating for three years and three years of marriage Ginny still could still make him feel like a schoolboy with a crush.

Ginny reached Harry, hugged him, and kissed him deeply. After the kiss, she asked, "Hello Harry. How was your day?"

"Not bad. Are we supposed to be going out?"

Ginny smiled seductively as she played with his tie as she replied, "Not tonight Love. Kreacher, please finish dinner for me. Harry and I will be in the sitting room having a drink."

Kreacher bowed deeply and replied, "As Mistress Ginny requires."

Ginny broke her embrace on Harry and walked past him out of the kitchen to the sitting room. Harry just stared at her as she disappeared around the corner. Harry walked into the sitting room and saw Ginny standing by the bar with two glasses.

Ginny asked, "Firewhiskey or butterbeer Love?"

Harry replied, "Butterbeer please."

Ginny poured two glasses of butterbeer, walked over to Harry, and handed him his drink. Again, Harry's heart skipped a beat. He loved it when Ginny called him Love. It always made him long for her.

Ginny looked at Harry, with a seductive smile, she grabbed his tie and lead him over to the couch where they both sat down. By this time Harry had to wipe his palms dry on his slacks.

Harry took a sip of his drink and said, "I thought you hated wearing heels?"

Ginny smiled and replied, "Actually they're not so bad anymore. Since we get invited to a lot of functions between your job and the team, I've been wearing them around the house most days after I get home from practice to get used to them. I kind of think they're fun now, as long as my feet don't start hurting." Ginny gave Harry another seductive smile, "The extra height comes in handy for snogging, plus I love the looks I get from you."

Harry smiled as his face turned pink with embarrassment. He had to admit he did like the way Ginny walked when she wore heels.

Harry said, "You look great tonight. What's the occasion?"

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