The Vice President has charmed another maiden

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There was a new student. Last I heard, she seemed to be a foreign exchange. From a western country, yes, Wales?

Despite being divided by a wall and sliding doors, the sounds of delicate footsteps were heard clearly by him.

She should be arriving soon.

Yosuke redirected his attention, straightening his back and putting the papers in his hands back in order. It was her registration information as well as her school table.

Just as Yosuke expected, not long after, the sliding doors opened revealing a young teenage girl with a nervous smile.

The teachers on break who were in the room looked up at her for a moment before giving curt greetings, they recognized that she was the new student.

Suddenly so many eyes on her, the nervousness shown on her face became worse, but she politely greeted back. Her eyes looked around nervously, she knew she was here for a reason but her introverted nature restricted her words quite a bit.

Yosuke had already approached her, a copy of her information in his hands as he passed it to her. With a welcoming smile, he introduced himself.

"Hello, you must be Lowri Sayer, the new exchange student. I am Akiyama Yosuke, the vice president of the student council. I'll be the one helping to familiarize yourself," Yosuke was blunt, but not discourteous. He led Lowri away from the curious gazes of the teachers, giving her tours of the whole school building.

Yosuke stopped in front of two sliding doors, the sign hanging above clearly saying 3-C. He knocked on the door before sliding them open, inviting Lowri to enter.

Inside the classroom, the chairs were stacked on top of the tables. It was clear of people.

"This is your classroom, if you get lost along the way coming here, just ask any students that may be around for directions."

Lowri glanced at Yosuke, a question dancing on the tip of her tongue.

Why did you have to knock? There's no one in the classroom.

Yosuke turned around and looked at her, a smile blooming on his face.

"It's always nice to knock before entering, it became a habit of mine. Sorry if it bothers you." Lowri stiffly shook her head, her face flushing out of embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud!" She looked up at Yosuke with glossy eyes, the tips of her ears dyed with red, and her blonde hair was messily done up but the fringes around her head framed her face like a delicate flower.

Seeing such a fragile expression, Yosuke should've felt his heart move and Lowri should've seen his face turn bright red, but none of that happened.

Yosuke smiled, his heart still as barren and cold as before. "I would advise Miss Sayer to knock before she enters a room unless you happen upon a less-than-pleasant scene." Yosuke clearly said this with the image of a certain teenager in mind.

Despite all his lambasting against the boy, Yosuke always seems to catch him in an unfavorable position with another female student.

The last time he stumbled across a scene like that, it was in this exact classroom.

Lowri didn't know the underlying message Yosuke meant with his words, just staring at him with a bashful smile.

After everything was done, Yosuke lead her back to the front office.

"That should be all, Miss Sayer. If you have any other questions, you can ask a faculty member or another student with this—" He pulled at the red armband pinned around his arm. "It means they are a part of the student council, they'll help you."

"Uh, uh." Lowri nodded, "Thank you for the tour, Yosuke-kun! I'm sorry to have taken the time out of your precious weekend to disturb you with me." Lowri's voice was high and sweet as she utter his name, her lashes fluttered delicately and a faint red hue appeared on her cheeks.

"Will I be able to see you tomorrow, too?" She asked coquettishly, faintly tugging the ends of her skirt as she looked up at Yosuke.

Yosuke gave her a smile, the ends of his eyes lifting upwards as he looked down at her. The sun reflected off his brown eyes and created a golden glow around his body, and the wind from the open window breezed through the office, blowing away the brown strand of hair. Lowri saw her reflection in his eyes, and for the first time, her heart skipped a beat.

"Naturally, we are in the same class."

The teachers who were also in the room, eating melon seeds: Yet again, our little vice president Yosuke has made another poor maiden fall in love with him.

The teachers gleaned at Lowri with pity: Hopefully, someone warns the poor maiden before it's too late.

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