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"No, I'm fine. It may just be the ink on this paper." Yosuke gathered the freshly printed batch of papers. "The ink is still fresh so the scent is quite strong."

"Is that so? Let me take over then, I'll handle the flyers while you can go over the request forms." Yosuke nodded, handing over the stack of paper into his arms.

"Thank you, President."

"Please, just call me Soma, Yosuke-kun." Yosuke made a small hum of acknowledgment but didn't bother to call him, walking past the president who was waiting to finally hear his name called by the other party.

Soma took the stack of papers, silently glancing at his back. He let out a small breath, his eyes straying upwards towards the other's exposed white neck, his strands of brown hair fanning just slightly over the small red mole on the center of his neck. It felt like being teased. His line of sight lowered, down to the plump shape of his butt; outlined by the black fabric of his pants.

He silently licked his lips, hooking the corners into a smile.

"Maid cafe, maid cafe, maid cafe...horror maid cafe." Yosuke sighed, flipping past the numerous maid cafe applications. "Why are there so many maid cafes?"

"It's probably because of the new anime that's been going around."

"Huh?" Yosuke looked up from his work, meeting eyes with another student council member. "Why would an anime about maids be popular."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." A finger wagged in front of his face. "Of course, you don't get it, Yosuke. This isn't some ordinary anime just about maids, they're different! This is Shounen Jump! With fights and struggles, tears and sweat! Love and torture!" With every word she spoke, she struck an abstract pose.

"Just get to the point."

"It's just become a meme, and people just want to have some fun. So why not let them, Yosuke-san~"

"You were the one who put all the maid cafes down, weren't you?"

"...yes, sir."

"Where'd you put the actual application?"

"It's still in the teacher's lounge." She twiddled with her thumb, her excitement turned to gloom. "I'll go get them."

Yosuke got up. "No need, just hurry onto your class, Suzuki-san. You have 5 minutes."

Suzuki straightened her posture, striking a salute toward Yosuke. "Yes, captain!"




", can we hang out after school again, Ogami-kun?" The girl's skirt scrunched up slightly as she leaned against the edge of the table, revealing the skin of her thighs that were wrapped by her black stockings. Ogami took a quick glance, which did not escape the girl's eyes. She gave an innocent smile, rubbing the edge of her skirt while bashfully looking away. "We can go to a karaoke."

Ogami smiled, "I would love to!" He turned off the alarm on his phone under his desk. "But unfortunately, I'll be a little busy this afternoon."

The doors of the classroom slid open.

"Oh, is that right... that that's okay. How about another date then? How about tomorrow?" She kept insisting, inching closer to Ogami with every word. "I don't mind, really." Ogami leaned back uncomfortably.

"Miss Aoi, please take your seat. The class will begin in less than one minute." Yosuke intercepted the two, to which Ogami's relief.

The girl huffed, glancing at Ogami with a smile before glaring at Yosuke.

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