Never rubbed one out before

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The next day, when Yosuke was getting ready to leave, the bell on his door kept ringing.

Yosuke, who had been in the kitchen at the time, was packing himself a bento and had no time to answer the door in time.

"Yosuke-Chan~" A pair of arms wrapped around his waist from behind. "My mom stopped packing me lunch a long time ago,"

He didn't have to turn around to see who it was.

"I don't want to spend money on school lunches every day, can you also make me a bento? Yosuke-Chan~. " Whispering into his ears, he sent a blow of cold air into tender white ears of Yosuke.

"I don't have time to make two lunches in the morning unless you're fine with having leftovers. Ogami," Yosuke tried to turn around, but the arm around his waist was held tightly, and Ogami's head was resting between the crook of his neck.

"How did you get into my house again?" Ogami chuckled, glancing up from the crook of his neck to stare at the questioning brown eyes.

"What? Am I no longer welcome here?" Ogami's waterline seemed to glisten, and those narrow gray eyes of his seem to enlarge at the moment when he looked up at him, almost giving off the feeling of a poor golden retriever.

Yosuke pushed him off, wrapping up his bento before putting it in his school bag. "Next time you intrude into my home without my knowledge I won't hesitate to call the cops."

"Haha! You're so cute, Yosuke-Chan, you said that the last time too~."

"Whatever. Just don't touch me with those dirty hands of yours." Yosuke muttered, dusting off his shoulders after giving him a cold glance. Seeing Yosuke's blatant distaste towards him, Ogami helplessly sighed, closing the door on their way out.

"Look, Yosuke-Chan, a man needs some way to release himself and my little brother isn't satisfied with the simple hand anymore!" Ogami rushed to hook Yosuke's shoulder, a grin on his face. "You get it, don't you?"

Yosuke glanced at him.

No, I honestly don't.

He didn't respond to him, just looking back at the road. When Ogami saw his lack of reaction, a secret look of glee crossed his eyes before being quickly suppressed.

"Hey...Don't tell me, have you never done it, Yosuke?" Ogami suddenly dropped the honorifics, and with his arms around Yosuke shoulder's, he easily made them slow down in pace. 

Yosuke didn't respond and Ogami let out a soft gasp.

"You...You really haven't rubbed one out before?" The two have now completely stopped in their tracks, and Yosuke finally looked at Ogami, his face as stoic as ever.

Seeing the paralyzed face of his friend, Ogami gave him his signature canine grin, his eyes flashing with an ominous glint as he carefully listened to Yosuke's words.

"I never had the desire." He was even more curious now, but Yosuke had already become tired of his antics. "Stop with these meaningless questions, I can't afford to be late because of you."

Yosuke continued to walk, leaving Ogami behind.

 Being left behind, Ogami wasn't mad--no, in fact, he was quite pleased, especially with the new type of information he learned from Yosuke about his...lack of experience.

Looking at the departing back of his friend, the smile on his face only deepened. He took out his phone and snapped a picture.

Just another to add to the collection.

After snapping a quick photo, he rushed back to Yosuke's side.

"Yosuke-Chan is so cute~"

Yosuke glanced at him. For some reason, he felt that his smile was a bit different from before.

"Ah! Good morning, Akiyama-san!" The moment Yosuke stepped into the school, he was greeted.

"Good morning." Yosuke nodded at the female student, turning to his locker to change his shoes. Ogami watched the two's interaction, a faint smile on his lips, he stood next to Yosuke but didn't hesitate to send the girl a wink.

The girl blushed, before bashfully rushing away. Ogami laughed, turning to his locker to change his own shoes. When he was done, Yosuke's figure was already a distance away but he didn't bother to chase him this time.

The two always parted ways during this time since Mr. Akiyama Yosuke was the Vice President and had other 'important' duties to attend to.

Ogami rolled his eyes, taking his phone back out to flip through his camera roll. In them were various pictures of Yosuke, some with him, most without.

After walking up some flights of stairs until he was on the third floor, Ogami finally arrived at his classroom.


He went in without thought.

Rolling through so many photos, Ogami stopped at a specific one. He sat in his seat and buried his head in his arms as he hid his phone from the other student's eyes.

"Hehe..." There was a muffled giggle. Ogami zoomed in and out, this picture, he recalled, was taken when Yosuke was sick. He stared at the flushed face of the teenager; the watery brown eyes that called out to him for help. His beautiful pink lips parted, gasping for air as his little tongue was exposed. His head was drenched in sweat, wetting the hair and causing it to cling to his face which only made him look more fragile.

Ogami remembers that day vividly, as it was the first he ever saw Yosuke so sick. And now he has a picture to remember that day forever.

Ogami smiled, bringing his phone up to his face to kiss the little red face on it. His pants had already started to feel uncomfortable again.

'Damn it, Yosuke. This is all your fault.'

"Achoo!" Yosuke sneezed.

"Are you alright? You didn't catch a cold last night, did you?" Yosuke looked up, meeting a pair of concerned blue eyes, he saw that the glasses faintly reflected his figure.

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