16 1 4

As they began to sober up, what they had didn't disappear like they expected. George and Clay both desperately wanted each other and it was obvious.

Once they left the bathroom they sat at a table in the back corner, where no one was paying attention to them.

Clay sat down and pushed George onto his lap, hugging him from his waist.

"You're so fucking pretty. You know that Georgie?"

George smiled and kissed Clay's cheek

"I thought you weren't gay."

"I thought I wasn't either until your pretty ass walked into my store. Why else do you think I gave you the free cd player?"

George giggled and hugged Clay tighter

"You're my dream boy." George smiled as he put his face into Clay's neck

"Well how about you and your dream boy go back to your place hm?"

"One thing though." George said as he looked at Clay


"Is this official?" George asked

"Do you want it to be?" Clay smirked as he pulled George down onto his lap harder

George only nodded

"Then I suppose it could be." Clay said before picking George up by his waist so he can stand up.

"Lets get out of here okay Georgie?"

George nodded and let Clay lead him out of the club.

Outside was dark and peaceful. Only sounds being the muffled music from
inside and the footsteps that led them to the car.

George got in and laid his head on the car door, not bothering to put on his seatbelt.

Clay got in and started the car, pulling out and began the short ride home.

Since it was so late most of the cars on the road were controlled by intoxicated drivers, making it hard to get home safely.

"Shit." Clay muttered to himself

Confused, George looked out the window, only to see a bright white light.

A headlight.

Heading straight at Clay's car.



I tried my hardest to get us home safely. I really did. I was able to get out of the crash safely, only a broken wrist which was quickly put into a cast at the hospital. I didn't care. I didn't even feel it. I only had one thing on my mind, and that was George.

God damn why didn't I tell him to put on his seatbelt. George has been unconscious since the crash. They think he'll be fine but they're just doing a few tests to be sure.

This waiting room sucks. Its quiet and empty. All I hear is the buzzing light and the nurses are the front desk quietly complaining that they are ready for their shift to be over.

I need my George. I want to hold him. I know he'll be okay. But I'm not so sure anymore, the doctors are taking a while.

Just as I was thinking that a doctor entered the waiting room and approached me.

"George has slipped into a coma, we think he will wake up but we are just doing one more test to ensure that he isn't brain dead."

My heart sunk. The doctor has hope but I don't.

All I could do was simply nod. The doctor walked out which left me back to waiting.

When I get stressed I like to think about things to distract me.

Whats coma backwards?



A different doctor quickly walked back in, a lot sooner than I had expected.

"Would you like to see him?"

Well. Duh.

"Yes please." I practically whispered as I quickly stood up and followed the doctor to the room

When I walked in all I saw was peaceful George. He was laying on the bed with his eyes closed. I know he was in a deep sleep and doesn't feel a thing but I wanted George to be more comfortable, these machines are not comfortable for my baby.

I quickly walked to the bed and sat on the edge on it. Holding his hand and rubbing the top of it.

"So the results of the brain scan." The doctor spoke again, turning my attention back to him. I know he's going to be fine. Then we can go home and officially begin our relationship. I'm so excited.

"George is brain dead. He's alive and breathing with life support but has no brain activity. He has no emotion and wont wake up. I'm sorry.

My heart. I don't even know how to describe it. It sunk. Then shattered. And I felt like I was going to die.

The nurse walked over and disconnected George from the life support.

I couldn't handle this. Why me. Why George.

A loud beep came from a machine. His heart stopped.

As I sat on the bed in complete shock. A song from the lobby began to play. Far. But in the distance.

Hopelessly Devoted to you.

The lyrics hurt my soul. My mind was racing. I was thinking about a million things.

But something stuck into my mind.

I killed George Davidson.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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