Home at last, Five and Holly can finally settle down, just like they've always wanted to. While they may be old, the young couple are met with uncertainty as they try to balance their new life, including the help from the rest of the Umbrella Academ...
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"Where the hell have you two been?" Luther demanded. "We've been looking for you all day,"
Five and I shared a look.
"We got married," I replied, trying my best to stay cool.
"You got what?"
"Married," Five repeated. "In Las Vegas, neat place if you ever get the chance."
Luther, Diego, Vanya, and Klaus exchanged expressions of utter confusion.
"There needs to be a lot of explaining....now."
"Okay, fine, we'll explain. Five?"
Five huffed. "Fine. We spatial jumped over to Las Vegas this morning for a quickie wedding officiated by an Elvis impersonator. Then, we went up to the Commission, as annoying as that was, and filed all of the legal paperwork, got Holly's named changed, yada, yada, yada, yada, came here. That's that."
He nonchalantly leaned against the back of the couch, his hand resting on the lower left of his stomach- the same place his wound was- resting his forearms on the couch's top rim and made what sounded like a strangled groan.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
He swallowed, suddenly going pale. "Y-yeah, fine. I-I just need to lie down,"
I helped him sit down and cupped his cheek in my hand. "You're burning up. Something's wrong." I lifted his shirt up to see his wound had gotten grotesquely infected. I gagged. "Holy shit. Shit."
"What is it?" Diego asked, coming over to us. His jaw dropped at the sight of Five's wound. "Goddamn. Five, you need to get to the hospital, bro,"
"I'm fine," Five insisted. He nudged us away, still as unsteady as ever.
"No, you're not."
I wildly searched the living room for the car keys, could couldn't find them. "Has anyone seen the keys? We have to hurry."
"Yeah, they were just out here earlier," Vanya said. She dashed out to get them, but came back empty handed.
"Shit. Luther, someone, call the ambulance or something!"
Luther ran to the phone and dialed 911. "Hello? We need an ambulance to the D.S. Umbrella Academy.... yes. Uh....my brother is hurt....I don't know, it's really bad...okay. Okay, thanks." He hung up and ran back us. "An ambulance is on the way."