Home at last, Five and Holly can finally settle down, just like they've always wanted to. While they may be old, the young couple are met with uncertainty as they try to balance their new life, including the help from the rest of the Umbrella Academ...
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"Everyone be on your best behavior! No swearing, no drinking, no messing with the hors d'œuvres, no fighting, no knife throwing, no anything! Put on nice clothes, don't mess anything up-"
I set my drink on the bar and rose, gripping the edge of the bar as I did. "-Holly, Baby, you don't need to work yourself up; the house looks fine, we're all dressed, the kids are just fine, you've got time, Baby, relax."
Holly ceased her pacing and wrapped her arms around herself. Her hair was neatly curled and she was wearing her favorite purple dress. "Darling, use your cane." Was all she said.
I glanced at the cane beside my stool. In the last several months, getting around had gotten harder for me. Perhaps my body finally was catching up to my mind. I sighed and grabbed the cane. "Relax, Honey, everything's in place."
"I just want everything to be perfect."
"I know, and it's all fine, really. Why don't you get a drink?"
"Would you make me a stiff one, Baby?"
"Sure thing." As I began to pour the drink, the twins spatial jumped into the room.
"Is it time yet?" Hazel whined.
"When's Arnie gonna get here?" Dolores echoed.
"You've got about twenty minutes, Babies," Holly replied.
The twins cheered. They babbled back and forth over what toys they were going to show their friend.
Holly giggled. "Thank you Dear." She took the drink and flopped onto the couch. "Come sit."
I obliged, the cane thumping with each step. Holly leaned over and kissed me.
"I love you," She beamed.
"I love you, too."
I gazed into her eyes as if it was the first time I ever saw them. Her crystal blue eyes shone like nothing I had seen. Her lips were pink, her cheeks rosy. Everything about her was perfect. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into a passionate kiss, my hands quickly traveling elsewhere.
"Do we have time?" Holly asked.
"I'm sure we do," I replied, barely breaking contact with her. Holly pushed my hands under her dress. "You always look amazing in this dress."