Home at last, Five and Holly can finally settle down, just like they've always wanted to. While they may be old, the young couple are met with uncertainty as they try to balance their new life, including the help from the rest of the Umbrella Academ...
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I heard my knees crack as I sat down with my coffee at the table. Everyone was getting their morning coffee or tea and helping themselves to toast and cereal.
"Gettin' tense there, old man?" Luther teased.
"I'm gettin' something," I grumbled. "Damn kids didn't go to sleep until three. Then the Commission called-"
Diego dropped his spoon. "-The Commission called you?"
"Yeah. Herb said there's an assignment out in Russia, 1918-"
"-And Holly doesn't want you to go," Allison interrupted.
I nodded. "She says that I'm getting too old to go back to that kind of work and that it would be too risky; she acts like I'm some weak old man,"
"Well, you are getting up in age, and after the whole end of the world thing, you're not exactly in the best condition."
Allison had a point, but the pay was good and it'd give me a chance to get back to work.
"How'd Holly take it?"
"We fought over it for a good hour, which woke the kids up again, then Holly fell asleep in the nursery and I went back to bed."
"So it was bad?"
I nodded. Reminiscing over the events provoked the same emotions. I heaved myself up and poured two shots of whiskey into my coffee. After downing the coffee, I served myself the tallest glass of whiskey I'd ever made.
Suddenly, Holly spatial jumped into the kitchen with Dolores in her arms.
"Good morning," She kissed me then pulled back in surprise. "You've been drinking."
"Figured I make my morning a little Irish," I replied, taking the baby from her.
Holly and Allison exchanged looks.
"You know, I think you two should go out for the day. Leave us the twins, and go out," Allison suggested suddenly.
I sat up straight. That's exactly what we need! We haven't gotten alone time in nearly a year.
"That's not a bad idea," I said nonchalantly. I took a sip of coffee in a further attempt to contain my excitement.
Holly, however, seemed unsure. "Are you sure? They can be a bit of a handful, and we've never been away from them."