From the future

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John and Seraphina's relationship was... interesting to say the least.

After the war with the royals it got even more strained. Still, Seraphina was persistent to save their relationship. John was her best friend and always will be.

Right now Seraphina had finally cornered John in an empty classroom and was basically interrogating him about everything.

"They are my friends," Seraphina pleaded.

"I don't care! They are just a bunch of fake, washed up royals!"

"Your a royal now aren't you?! Does that make you as fake as them?!" 

John was at a lost for words.All Seraphina did was remind of his title that he had fought so hard to avoid. The title that was now his.

"Are you two done arguing?" John and Seraphina turned to look at the new voice.

It was of a girl who looked around their age with short, white hair. Her eyes were a pink and round. 

"Well, are you two done arguing?" She stepped forward.

"Who the fuck even are you?" John spat. "Mom told me you were rude in high school, but I'm offended more."

"What are you talking about. Who is your mom?" Seraphina stepped up and faces her.

"Right right, I haven't introduced myself properly." The girl stuck her hand out, "My name is Ophelia, your 

What, what the fuck do you mean?" John stuttered, "How the fuck does she have a daughter." Ophelia gestured to the two, "I am both of yours. You two are my parents." Seraphina had paled at this and was staring at John. Seraphina wasn't going to deny that Ophelia did resemble him an awful lot. His fluffy hair, his jawline, even the way he spoke, was all showing in Ophelia.

"How are we supposed to believe you?" John snapped. Ophelia sighed like she had anticipated this. Pulling out her phone she flashed a picture. 

It looked like Seraphina and John, but, all grown up sitting with a younger version of Ophelia. 

"Also,John, your mother's name is Jane and your dad wrote unOrdinary."

Ophelia didn't give John a chance to say anything before turning to Seraphina. "Your sisters name is Leilah and she ran away five years ago."

"Do you mean to tell me that John and I are a couple in the future." Ophelia nodded. "Yes, and I'm using a lot of energy right now to be here." John sat down and stared at the ground. "Why are you here?" He finally said.

"I'm here to tell you both that you need to stop arguing and get the rest of the group together." Seraphina was going to say something but Ophelia raised her hand. "I know Ember is a thing now and it's only going to get worse. They have to authorities backing them so please be careful." Ophelia's voice was laced with worry and sorrow. Ophelia clearly new something that couldn't be shared.

"Can't you just tell us what to do." John stood up. "I would, but that would disrupt time more then I already have."Ophelia walked to the door and opened it. Before anyone could say anything she had run out. 

"So, um, we're gonna be a couple." John was finally letting reality sink in for him. "I guess." Seraphina shrugged. John grabbed her hand without warning and dragged her out.

"What the hell are you doing?" Seraphina shouted. "If we're gonna be a couple then I must take you out on a date.

~At Woba Boba~

"Are you kidding me right now? We were just visited by our daughter and boba is what you think of." Nevertheless Seraphina drank the boba. "I thought it would be nice." 

"This is nice, but we need to worry about Ember now."

"Worry about them later. Worry about our future now."

"I probably came up with the name."

"I am great at names."

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