⟨«⟨chapter 1⟩»⟩

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[PoV ????]

I was never a good king I have made choices that made my stomach turn, I have seen things that no man should see, I've done many unforgivable deeds that shouldn't be remembered or be written.
I was never in control I was a mere puppet to them, but I could not reverse what I've done even if I was controlled what actions I have done I can not undo them.

Did I deserve this ending Did fate forget me or was this meant to happen from the beginning, I just don't know anymore I was lost in thought could I have made better choices, should I have done more, what if I found out they were using me could I had lessened the damage they've done. No, I don't think so even if I did it was too late they were gone I was left alone to deal with the angry mob outside.

[PoV 3 person]

Knight: My king, you should flee from here it is not safe anymore.

He did not reply nor look at the knight he was just looking at the floor but the knight pleaded with the king.

knight: Please my king, flee from the Castle it's not safe anymore.

The king replied to the pleading Knight.

' king ': No I will stay

This answer stunned the knight he asked the king

Knight: my king what do you mean you will stay, please my king flee I will hold them back.

This annoyed the king but he remained calm and replied to the knight.

' king ': I will not run or hide anymore, I must face the consequence of my past actions.

The Knight tried to say something but saw the king standing up from his throne, he looked at the knight and said.

' king ': you cannot change or convince me on fleeing the castle, I am tired of running from my problems I am tired of ignoring my past deeds, but I must face it. I must face the devil himself.

The Knight was silent he didn't know what to say he tried to talk to the king but was interrupted again by the king.

' king ': As the last remaining loyal knight I have, I order- no I ask of you flee from the Castle you shouldn't be a part of this.

The Knight was looking at the king and said this.

Knight: The day I swore to serve you I made a promise to myself that would serve you till the end, and I will keep my promise. So your majesty I politely decline your request.

The Knight said to the king he was looking at the knight not before smiling at the knight.

' king ': you are truly loyal to the end ' Abisai ' I am thankful for your undying loyalty towards me, but. I don't want any more of my people to die for me, so I ask again please flee from this place live your life to the fullest find love, start a family, don't end it here ' Abisai ' this is my last order as your king.

Abisai was looking at the king in dead silence it was deafening he didn't know what to say he was conflicted between listening to his king's last order or staying beside him to the end, He tried to say something but he was interrupted by a loud crash outside he looked behind and looked back at the king.

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