⟨«⟨Chapter 3⟩»⟩

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«⟨ A strange dream ⟩»

"You were the best of us, you were an inspiration to others, a beacon of hope now you're a husk of who you once was."

⟨ PoV: 3 person ⟩

???: "Wa....." A voice called to me


???: "Wake u...."

What? Who's there?

???: "I said WAKE UP!!!"

Alaric: Ah!!

???: "fucking finally Your awake now who are you and why are you in my domain." He asked the bewildered man.

Alaric: "what?" Said back to the voice in confusion.

???: Are you fucking deaf or something, I asked you a simple question. Why are you in my domain BOY..." He said to me in a glaring tone.

Alaric: I-I don't know exactly how I ended up here I was just reading a book before I went to sleep. That's all I remember." I said back not so sure what should say back.

???: "Well isn't this fun-fucking-tastic I have a moron who doesn't know how the hell he ended up in my Domain, sigh... Well boy, introduce yourself." He said to me in a semi-annoyed tone.

Alaric: "I'm Alaric and you are?" I ask back to him.

Yokkov: "I am Yokkov, now how did you exactly end in my domain of all places". He asked me I responded to him.

Alaric:" I don't know exactly how ended here, to be honest, I'm just waiting for me to wake up.

Yokkov:" sigh... Why does this always happen to me, alright boy while you're here may I ask you a question?"

Alaric: "alright then shoot," I said to him in agreement to the question he was about to ask.

Yokkov:" what are you?"

Alaric:" what do you mean?" I asked in confusion to the question he asked me.

Yokkov: "in all of the centuries of my Damned life, I have seen terra and its Creation and its inhabitants evolving and changing, but I have never seen the likes you before I will not ask again what are you?"

Alaric: "I... don't have an answer to your question." I told him truthfully.

Yokkov: "hmm... Sigh... Forget I asked that question."

Alaric:" ok then but can I ask you a question then."

Yokkov: "fine, I did ask a question to you, sigh.. alright what's the question."

Alaric:" who exactly are you or who are you." I asked him

Yokkov: "I am Yokkov the watcher." He answered

Alaric: "What's a watcher? Exactly."

Yokkov: "boy it's in the name I watch things, as I said before if you were listening that's why I asked the question before. Sigh.... I'll just dumb it down for you, a watcher is a person who watches things we see everything from the Creation of a world to the destruction of a world. But we are not allowed to intervene with any of its inhabitants."

Alaric: "oh... Thanks for the explanation then."

There was an awkward silence between us not until yokkov broke the uncomfortably awkward silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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