⟨«⟨chapter 2⟩»⟩

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⟨PoV: 3 person⟩


????: * Sigh * Their fate has always been the same, death by their own blood or death by the very people whom he/she swore to protect, I need something different.

Said the unknown being in a bored tone, watching the same thing over and over again it was getting repetitive, she wanted something different she wanted to change his fate, she wanted to be entertained even more by him.

????: Hm...

She started to ponder on what her next action is gonna be, with every passing minute she started to form an idea on what to do next.

????: I have an idea, but need to keep this a secret to the other gods especially to Him.

She stood from her throne and went behind it while she was walking down from her throne, she saw a large door with gold engravings and words that no mortal could understand.

????: Hm... I haven't used this spell in a while I do hope I still remember what to do, well here goes nothing.

She looked at the door and all of its Glory and went towards a pedestal and started Chanting the spell, after she finished chanting the pedestal glowed as a sign that the spell worked she looked at the door as it opened slowly.

????: Well it seemed it worked, well let's get started, shall we.

She went through the door and as the bright light engulfed her the door closed behind her.


⟨PoV: Alaric⟩


So this is the feeling of death it's cold, damp, and claustrophobic as if it was encompassing me. I couldn't see and even if I did it was dark I didn't have a vessel to reside in I was floating in the endless void, I truly didn't expect that the afterlife was just an empty void those foolish priests believed that the faithful will go to a place called heaven
And the unfaithful will be cast down to a place called hell. They say that in heaven you felt safe and be loved, as for hell you felt suffering and anguish, but.

From what I could feel it was cold I didn't feel safe nor Felt any suffering, it was just the feeling of the cold up towards my nonexistent spine it was nerve-racking. But what could I do, I was just another soul floating in a sea of darkness waiting for the grim reaper to take my soul or waiting for a God to take me from here.

Still, I wished I could do something to pass the time there was nothing to do but to wait, I have no idea how much time has passed with each passing moment my mind is slowly slipping towards insanity. But I still managed to keep on what's left of my remaining sanity, but. I was never a religious man myself but I pray someone gets me out of this void.

As if someone heard my desperate prayers a white light engulfed me and pulled me out of the void, now I didn't know where I am but I could feel warmth something that I haven't felt in a long while, but. I felt something else as if my soul wasn't floating any more then I soon realized I had a new body, I slowly opened my eyes only to see a brown ceiling, I sat up and looked around to see the room was almost empty there was some furniture here was a bed I was sleeping at, a small cabinet with a lamp on top of it and there was a closet near the bed. The room wasn't spacious or cramped but it was livable.

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