The Ripple Master

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Caesar: You're gonna need a way to figure out Hamon better

Y/N: And how do I use Hamon property?

Caesar: It's a breathing base technique, use that!

Speedwagon: Now hold on, if you want to get the dormant Hamon that lays inside of him, you must shock his diaphragm that controls the lungs to create a bit of Hamon... You must hit the right spot though

Y/N: Hit me? Uh, where?

Speedwagon: Over fifty years ago, Caesar's grandfather did the same thing to me... It's the only possible way to produce some sort of hamon

Y/N: I don't know, this seems kind of--

Your words were cut off by a good hit to the stomach that took all the air and saliva from your mouth

Caesar: Did that work, Signore Speedwagon?

Speedwagon: Well only time will tell, but it sure never worked on me

Y/N: Aghh... I don't think so...

In a doctor's waiting room you sit alongside Joseph to see if there is any counteracting this poisoned ring inside of him

Y/N: I don't think a doctor can save the bloke, whatever these medieval vampires put inside of him isn't human

Joseph: Oh would you shut up, I feel gross knowing they put some stupid ring inside my body somewhere... Ew, just the thought!

The doctor comes back into the room with a shocked reaction after looking at the x-rays

Doctor: This is unbelievable! It's impossible! There really are rings around your windpipe and aorta, entangled with them like wire puzzles!... In addition, there are portions that have merged with the walls of your blood vessels... Almost like an four-dimensional wire puzzle!

Y/N: Uh, doc?

Doctor: Sorry, M- my apologies... I just got excited, I must keep a proper bedside manner in front of the patient

Joseph: OHHH! NOOOO! It's still a shock to have it told straight to me again!

Y/N: Is there any poison stored inside that ring?

Doctor: Well there is a part of the ring that's hollowed out... But I cannot determine what kind of poison is inside... As long as there is no trauma to the throat or Heart, I don't expect any exercise to cause problems... But unfortunately, it is impossible to remove the rings with today's surgical techniques

Speedwagon: Well, thank you, doctor, could you now leave us alone for a moment?

Caesar: JoJo! This means only one more way is left! You need to beat them before thirty-three days have passed and get those antidotes!

Joseph: Th... Thirty-three days... ARGHH! WHAT THE HELL! I was just bluffing when I threw out that month figure! Those bastards took me seriously! Dammit! I should have said a year instead! Those guys are immortal! I could have gone with a hundred and they might have believed me! What a waste!


Joseph: Y... Yeah, I do...

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