The Forshaken Caesar

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Finally, in San Moritz Switzerland, you're on a balcony near a hotel, while the others look through binoculars you and Joseph sit at a table, both extremely worried but trying to keep up a calm demeanor

Joseph: Man this place is so rich even the cats walk around with elegance

He tosses him a shrimp tail but the cat ignores him

Joseph: Man, not even a glance for a shrimp tail, just like an elegant dame strutting in the streets, without a care in the world

You pay no mind to JoJo with your hands locked together over your knees thinking of any plans or ways out against the powerful pillarman, you had a small win against Kar's but it was just by sheer luck you three were able to pull that stunt off, you didn't think you're life would be put on the line so soon at the age of seventeen you were still a youth after all so this had to phase you deep down

Y/N: JoJo! Quit pestering the damn cat already!

Joseph: Geez, sorry for trying to lighten up the mood a little...

Y/N: Sorry, I'm just feeling pretty anxious... Can all we do is wait?

Joseph: It's the right play

Y/N: Are we sure?

Your thoughts are interrupted by the others

Lisa Lisa: JoJo, Y/N, please come here! We're going to examine that building!

Joseph: Ohh, yes ma'am, be right there!

You walk over while Caesar glances towards Joseph with a hint of anger or annoyance from his carefree attitude

Y/N: What are we looking at, sensei

Lisa Lisa: That woman Athena mentioned something about that hotel in our fight

Lisa Lisa: That woman Athena mentioned something about that hotel in our fight

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Messina: It appears to be an old closed-down hotel

Loggins: Yes, a perfect hideout fof Kars during the day

Y/N: The windows are all boarded up too, I don't think any lights reaching inside there

Caesar: And Kars is certainly waiting for the sun to set, and most importantly waiting for the others to arrive

Lisa Lisa: We must decide our plan

Caesar: That's obvious, we attack now!

Messina: I agree, it's in the middle of the afternoon, so Kars cannot leave the darkness of that house

Loggins: It seems logical enough

Y/N: He can't possibly take us all

Loggins: Right, we have the advantage against them

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