The Pillar Woman

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Lisa Lisa: I still don't know how to feel about Y/N and JoJo killing Straizo

Y/N: I don't know how to feel about him either... Was he really that bad of a guy after all? Did he just wanna test how we'd do against the pillarmen? Or did he miss his youth? I do know back then I was deathly afraid of him and Santana... I was weak and couldn't handle my own then, but now I've come much further from before and figured out how to maintain my fear and use it as a strength, I am not the same as before roaming around the streets for a home or a place to belong I know now who I am and what I must do...

You take a step forward toward Athena

Lisa Lisa: You were a good student, through and through... You might not have gotten the chance to prove like the others but I know you'll put off a valiant fight

Y/N: I better, sensei, everything begins here now... The fight for humanity, wish me luck, Caesar, and JoJo

Athena: Come human, we have a battle to commerce

Y/N: I'm ready for anything no matter the risks

Athena: We will battle like warriors, as will the other two

Y/N: JoJo won't lose easily if I know him

Athena: Maybe but can you say the same for yourself Hamon warrior?

Y/N: I won't die easily... I'll put up the best fight that I am capable of and then some

Athena: Good I was beginning to think I made a wrong choice, but you still seem to interest me, human

Y/N: I don't know if I can say the same, but you are taking over humanity, so that makes me a little biased probably...

You walk with her toward the outer bits of the coliseum

Y/N: Before we fight I should have you know I don't like to fight women...

She scoffs in response

Athena: That's because you've never met a woman stronger than you in battle...

Y/N: Actually my sensei is--

Athena: Enough! This is a battle to the death... If you wanna survive I suggest you get serious that means putting your moral codes aside or I will kill you... But there are honorable deaths and pitiful ones choose which one you wish for me to give you

Y/N: I knew I could die in this fight... That's a big possibility, but I wanna fight... I can't just sit on the sidelines and let others do the work for me anymore

Athena: Maybe you are a man after all... Prove it to me in this fight then human

You both get into position one hundred feet away from one another until you were ready

Athena: I plan on using my full capabilities... I suggest you do the same if you plan to live, Hamon Warrior...

You nod one last time as the clouds fill the air and silentness in the air

Athena: Once that moon illuminates we battle, human...

You stood at the base of a great coliseum patiently waiting, your eyes locked on the figure of a woman perched atop one of the pillars. Which was none other than Athena, the ancient being known as a "Pillarwoman".

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now