Goodbye JoJo...

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A cruise boat begins to sail by, waiting at the desk for all passengers to enter

Joseph: Say what?! You're leaving!?

Y/N: I am... JoJo...

Joseph: After everything? What the hell!!

Y/N: You wouldn't understand, JoJo...

Joseph: What about Smokey?

Y/N: He'll understand... We were born on the streets together, and we grew up seeing this filth but somehow after saving the world and fighting those pillar men that part of my life seems like decades ago... I'll never forget the people nor friends I've made, but I've gotta move on... There's nothing left for me here, not really at least

Joseph: Hmph!

Y/N: Goodbye, JoJo...

Joseph: Is this it? You're leaving forever?!

Y/N: I'll be back someday... Just keep Smokey company in the meantime

Joseph: You know Caesar's death ain't your fault?

Y/N: I know... But I just can't forget it either...

You smile toward JoJo before hugging onto him

Y/N: You helped me find myself... Help me discover my past and who I really am, thanks for that JoJo

Joseph: You better invite me to the wedding!!

Y/N: Coming from the guy who got married in a day to Suzie Q?

Joseph: I'm not the only one who likes Italians, you bastard!

He rubs his knuckles on your head as you chuckle

Y/N: Take care, JoJo...

You see someone running in your direction in a hurry

Smokey: Y/N!! WAIT!!

Y/N: Smokey?

Smokey: You're leaving man?!

Y/N: Yeah... I hoped you wouldn't find out this way

Smokey: Without telling me?!

Y/N: I figured it hurt less that way... We've known each other since we were children, there's no beating around the bush... It's gonna be harder than anything in my life, saying goodbye to an old friend

Smokey: Harder than beating Kars?!

Y/N: Just maybe

You let out a sigh and look at the ground while carrying your bag in hand

Smokey: Are you ever planning on returning?

Y/N: Someday... I bet you'll be president or something by then

Smokey: Yeah, that's rich

Y/N: Never say never, Smokey... I'm sure great things will happen to you, to both of us... It's just that nothing is really waiting for me here

Smokey: At least you'll finally escape the Bronx... The hell that was our home

Y/N: I think I already did for a while anyway... It's just this time I don't think I'm heading home for good

Smokey: Friends in crimes always

He puts out his hand and you look back up at his face before grabbing his hand and shaking it with a smile on your face

Y/N: Nobody could ever steal like you... You took JoJo's wallet and that guys like a magician

Smokey: We wouldn't be here if I didn't...

Y/N: Yeah...

You smile weakly one final time as the others talk in the distance

Eileen: This is goodbye again... Huh, Speedwagon?

Speedwagon: We've gotta meet one last time... I think we still have one last trip in us

Eileen: Well see old man

She kisses him on the cheek before walking toward the boat with her bags, you follow behind before noticing your sensei standing a few feet away and approach her

Y/N: Sensei?

Lisa Lisa: Good luck in your new life... He would have wanted you to move on... My best pupils were you three after all

You hug her close to you

Y/N: Thank you for everything sensei... Without you, we'd all be dead

Lisa Lisa: If it wasn't for you and Joseph... I wasn't much help against Kars

Y/N: You were plenty, sensei!! If you didn't teach us we'd be gone for sure!

Her eyes open wide at your answer

Y/N: It sure was fun... Those were some painful days but I'll never forget them... And I'd never trade them for anything

She smiles at you as you nod your head and approach the boat

Y/N: I'll never neglect my training either sensei!!

Lisa Lisa: You better not unless you wanna look old and wrinkly!

You waved one final time to everyone before traveling back to Italy with your grandmother this time around

Y/N: I'll miss them all

Eileen: I know, sweetie...

She pats you on the shoulder as it sailed away, and the years passed by just like that, you grew older into a real man while settling down with Nerissa who you shortly married after moving to Italy

Y/N: It's funny... I've never celebrated my birthday before or knew when it really was

Tears fall down your cheeks as you think of all the misses years you could have had with your parents

Nerissa: We'll be here to wish you a happy birthday every year from now one

She kisses you on the cheek as Eileen smiles

Eileen: Of course, we will... And I already know they would be very proud of the man you've become

After moving into the Zeppeli's household they began to expand the house adding on a Dojo where Y/N would teach students the ins and outs of Hamon breathing in the case another vampire ever arose in honor of how best friend Caesar Zeppeli, his grandma helped from time to time as a senior sensei until she eventually traveled back to American to spend her final year's with Speedwagon, they never married but became romantic involved until their deaths surrounded by family... And almost fifteen years later Y/N Zeppeli was born into this world he trained with his father in the dojo learning Hamon easily even surpassing his own fathers ability and one day obtaining a strange power of his own

Dad: Go ahead son, show them what you're capable of

He smirks in response walking toward old Joseph

Y/N: Twilight Prowler!

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