Prince des neiges - Part IV

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Summary: The Queen tries to poison the Prince.

(I was going to keep the original story structure, where the Queen attempts to kill Snow White three times before she succeeds, but couldn't figure out a good equivalent for a poisoned comb.)


The following day, the four miners departed for their work.

"Remind me to tell you more about outside your Kingdom later." Jendrik said, hugging him goodbye with a grin.

"Yes, of course." Gjon answered, waving as the four left with their equipment.

"We'll be back before sundown!" Blas added.

Gjon watched the group vanish into the woods before heading back into the house.

As he headed past a window, he caught a movement from the corner of his eyes and smiled to see the woodland animals arriving to greet him.

"Good morning!" He said, as they gathered around the window. "Thank you for bringing me to this place. The people who live here are so nice."

He laughed as the sparrow landed on his hand and chirped happily.

"Should I do something to thank them?" He asked. The animals looked amongst themselves and chittered in agreement.

"Hm, what do you think I should do?"

Gjon glanced around the house, before his eyes went to the kitchen.

"I can try and make pasta for them. I don't know if I'm any good at cooking, but I'll do my best."

Humming to himself, the Prince assembled the ingredients and begun to work. The animals by the windows watched him, bringing him ingredients from the outside of the house if he needed.

A few hours into this, there was a knock at the door, startling all the animals back into the forest.Gjon, confused, glanced at the sun still shining overhead.

The miners could not possibly be home this early.

Apprehensive, he crept to the window closest, seeing no one outside the cottage. There was, however, a basket of flowers on the grass.

Gjon waited a while more, and then cautiously came out of the house and picked up the basket of flowers. There were different types, roses, lilies, tulips...

Did the four miners have admirers as well? Gjon thought to himself. It was then he realised that the flowers were emanating a very unusual aroma.

"Huh..." He muttered, leaning his head closer. "I feel...strangely..."

His voice trailed off as all his strength suddenly left him, and the Prince collapsed onto the ground.


James, Jendrik, Blas and Jeangru were on their way back from the mines, whistling and talking amongst themselves.

"What in the-hey!" James said, pointing ahead with a shocked expression on his face.

The entrance to their cottage was suddenly teeming with fauns, rabbits, birds and other animals.

As the four approached, the creatures didn't scatter. In fact, they seemed unusually quiet.

"Why are so many animals here?" Blas wondered, before he looked through the crowd and gasped.

The animals parted as Blas rushed to an unconscious Gjon lying on the grass, the other three coming up behind him.

"What happened? Is he alright?" James asked.

"I don't know." Blas said worriedly, before spotting the basket nearby. "Where are all these flowers from?"

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