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❝ In which, the Author gets random Motivation and updates because of a song❞

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❝ In which, the Author gets random Motivation and updates because of a song

"Amane-kun!" A Familiar voice called, Amane looked up from his notebook to see his bestfriend Y/n L/n jogging towards him waving her hands.

"Y/n-san!" Tsukasa waved back with enthusiasm jumping from his seat greeting the female, Amane sighed in embarrassment since his brother was causing a scene with his yelling.

The students began to mumer to eachother, Amane's face turns red, he gently pulls Tsukasa down while putting food inside his mouth.

Y/n laughed, placing a hand on top of her lips sitting down infront of the twins.

"Sorry about that-  tsukasa's kinda enthusiastic, i guess- "

"It's fine!"

"A-anyways, what brings you here?"


        Everything was good. The trio, Amane, Tsukasa and Y/n, had been friends since diapers; Tsukasa also knew his brothers feelings for the H/c-colored female, Both promised to Marry eachother when they grew up with Tsukasa being the priest beacause duh. Going home together, walking to school together. There was never dull moment with the twins and Y/n, They knew eachothers secrets, bad sides and good sides and Morals. So everything was indeed good.

Until the incident, A bloody Amane stares at his red hands, heavily breathing confused to what he had done, his eyes wander to the kitchen knife he used which was painted red. But he didn't dare look at the body. The body of his brother.

Upon hearing the news of Amane and Tsukasa's death, Y/n didn't know what to say, it was a murder-suicide the cops say, her nose Scruches up trying to prevent tears from spilling.

She couldn't believe it, Amane wouldn't kill. He would never.

Betrayal, Grief, Anger and sympathy? Was all Y/n felt, She felt bad? For who? For tsukasa? Of course. But for Amane? She doesn't know, her feelings for him weren't helping either, wanting to forgive yet to not too, he killed himself? Why? He killed his brother. Why?

Y/n fell into a depressive state, her normal happy-flirty attitude never came back, her parents were worried sick but they didn't know what to do! Instead they just made it worst by degrading Amane for his actions, which in her opinion was deserved but to judge someone's whole character by just that incident didn't stick well with her, she knew the twins. But maybe, knowing them wasn't enough...

"Amane was a bad person anyways! Don't worry."

"I know your sad over it, but he murdered his brother, dear. Be happy he ended his life or else he would have a serial killer in our hands."

"I'm sure you'll get over it!"

"You'll move on."

No, she wouldn't. They wouldn't understand, or atleast try to.

Y/n was never the same.


Sad eyes watched the sulking female walked up to her locker, it was her graduation day, 4 years later she still hasn't fully acepted it, she dropped to her knees wanting to breakdown remembering her promise with Amane and Tsukasa; Her classmates helped her stood back up, they asked. She replied with a fake smile saying that she was just tried.

His heartached, He wanted to reach out to her, He wanted to... Tears starts swelling up the male eyes. He couldn't reach out to her, she couldn't see him, he knew that.

Stepping out the bathroom, Hanako. Reaches his hand and places it on her shoulder, before engulfing his beloved in a one-sided hug, it caused her shivers while it gave him warmed.


"It's time for you to fully let go Y/n."

Y/n stays silent. Shakingly holding the "wedding certificate" in her hands. This was the last thing that she kept of memory of Amane and Tsukasa, the thing she kept dearly to her heart. The last thing she'll burn.

"It's been 4 years."

Tear falls down her cheeks, as the paper slowly burns up turning into nothing but dust, the feeling of relief and guilt washes over her, her blurry eyes stare at the burned up "certificate" she clenched her shirt, now letting her tears out. "I hate this. I hate you."

She quivers, burying her face deeper into her shirt which was now filled of tears and snot, but it was time to fully move on. Let go. Start again.



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