952 33 8

Jihyo: dont worry Lisa you can do it *smile*

Rm: yeah just think positive Lisa *smile*

Lisa: ne your majesty

Rm: dont be formal just call me oppa and call her unnie

Lisa: ne o-oppa and u-unnie *smile*

Teacher: ok Lisa spell Vengeance

Lisa: Vengeance V_E_N_G_E_A_N_C_E Vengeance

[Skip Time]

    Now were already at the gym and a lot of student's are watching us and the other's school score was 23 and our school score was 17 and who's the first team to reach 30 they'll the one who will play to the last and hard spelling

Teacher: spell Acrimonious

    Before the other school's could press the button I already did

Lisa: Acrimonious A_C_R_I_M_O_N_I_O_U _S

Teacher: correct

Rm: you did well Lisa *whisper*

Jihyo: gosh I didnt even know the spelling *whisper*

    I just smile at them and btw I'm between them

Teacher: spell Supererogatory

    I press again the button

Lisa: Supererogatory S_U_P_E_R_E_R_O_G_A_T_O_R_Y Supererogatory

Teacher: correct

     A minute's past now our score was tie and this is the last spell

Teacher: spell Cantankerous

    I again press the button fast

Lisa: Cantankerous C_A_N_T_A_N_K_E_R_O_U_S cantankerous

Teacher: correct

    Our schoolmate become wild while shouting our school name

Teacher: so the three of you need to pick one representative for the last and hardest spelling

Rm: we want Lisa to be our representative because she's good at it we really see her potential because mostly of her answer's was hard base on what we witness earlier

    I looked at him shock and my eye's are widened

Jihyo: and she's the one who answer a lot on us it mean's she really profesional at this and we know she can make it

Teacher: ok so Miss Lisa we'll spell you 10 word's which are hard and if you correct all of that you and your team will recieve a trophy and a certificate each of the three of you are you ready?

Lisa: *sigh* ne

Teacher: we'll only gave you 5 second's to answer ok spell Appoggiatura *pronounciation: uh pahj uh TUR uh*

    Then I heard a lot of student's sigh

    'Gosh I think she cant answer it it's really hard'

Teacher: 5

Lisa: Appoggiatura A_P_P_O_G_G_I_A_T_U_R_A Appoggiatura

Teacher: correct

     'Woah I cant believe I cant even pronounce it and she spell it'

    'Well it seem's like we have a chance to won'

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