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    I hurriedly go downstairs carrying my baby Lego in my arms

    Cause there's a small scratch at Lego's back to where he cant reach and I know Yeontan did that

    Once I go downstairs I saw Tae oppa Yeontan on his lap while Thea is on her mommy's lap and Jungkook oppa and our grandparents

    They all look at me and I saw how Tae oppa gulp and held Yeontan securely

Lisa: baby Thea does Yeontan try to bite Lego yesterday?

Thea: *nod* ne Tannie chwase Lego then there a blwood a little on Lego's back 

Lisa: come here Yeontan and I'll cook you how dare you gave a scratch my baby huh come here I want to eat you 

Tae: ani I wont let you *shook his head*

Lisa: then if I cant cook at eat him he's not having a treat's for good 1 weeks

    I went to the kitchen with Lego on my hands and grab the treats for Yeontan and put it on one of the cabinet to which have a lock and the lock was on mine

    I went back to the living room whining and I lay down on the sofa Lego on top of my tummy

Lisa: look there's a scratch on his back awww if ever you did this again Yeontan I swear no one can be a hindrance for me to eat you *glare at Yeontan*

Thea: aunty I thwought we'll bonding

    I put Lego down beside me

Lisa: arasseo I'll change and you should change too

Grandma: the both of you will not eat breakfast?

Thea: ani me and aunty have a place right aunty *wiggle her eyebrows*

    I lazily sat up and nod at Thea

Jennie: that wiggle of your eyebrows was a sign like a bad idea Thea huh?

Thea: that was our secret mommy

    Thea stood up before approaching me and held my hands

Tae: so you're hiding a secret to us now huh? *rose his eyebrows*

    I stood up and Thea still holding my hands

Lisa: oppa you better watch Yeontan if you dont want me to eat him

Tae: arasseo arasseo geeze you're scary than your sister tsk

Lisa: I can be scary too oppa that's what sister right so now let's go baby 

Jk: I felt like I want to eat a Yeontan too hmm 

    I saw how Tae oppa send him a glare and I glance at him and saw Lego at his lap

Lisa: if ever I saw Yeontan eat any treats oppa I swear I'll cook him understand?

Tae: ne mam

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