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    We look up and saw the 7 prince and Jisoo unnie and I just
smile and nod and they sat with us

    Were reviewing and eating when my phone vibrate and I looked who it was


    Wae you didnt agree huh?

    And I already knew who it was

    Cause I dont want too.

    Where are you right now?

     You dont care and dont need to know you're acting like you're my boyfriend when you're not

    Baby soon I'll just made you used it

    I block his number and continue reviewing

Jk: can I borrow your phone for a while

     I nod and let him used it after I put the password

-J U N G K O O K  P O V-

    I ask her phone cause I saw her texting to unknown it might be the kidnappers and I want to solve this kidnappers thing so that uncle and aunty can finally meet them

    Once I open her message there I saw the unknown getting block and once I read it I smirk how savage my soon to be girl was

    I memories her number and save my number too on her phone and gave it back to her

-L I S A  P O V-

    After lunch break we immediately go to our classroom and I'm very thankful that Simon was still not here same to Aerin

Mike: guys our schedule change were having a music class and the royal class was there too

John: it's ok as long as Miss Carla was our music teacher

Carl: yeah she's our teacher the royal class was just wait us to finish cause their schedule was empty and they have a rule that if you dont have class you must be at the next classroom so they're just listening to us while waiting their turn

Chae: yeah and I'm very thankful that I tranfer here at this awesome section

Ken: of course princess we're the joker here and we need to make sure that our class was the most funniest in this university

Mike: you're eating again John gosh do you even know the word Diet or losing a weight?

John: nope

Carl: Mike do you have a problem with chubby wae dont you solve your problem how to be chubby a little you're too skinny

Lisa: wae Carl is there any problem being skinny huh? *gritted my teeth*

Carl: ohh dont mind me go Mike go ask again John

    We giggle at him and after a minute the bell rang indicating us to go to our next class

    I carry my bag and we headed outside and Ken being Ken he's leading our section where the Music room was and I think he cant remember cause we turn left instead right

Simon: hey there Ken do you even know where the music room was?

Ken: yeah it's on this way

All (Ken): we should take a right earlier but you took a left go back

    He let out a tsk and go back and all of us are 1 minute late but thank god that out teacher was kind

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