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Lisa: baby maknae how are you there I miss you everyday I remember back then you always tell to me that I'll stay single if you and Nics doesnt have a boyfriend yet cause you always said 'we should wait each other to have one before all of us can have' Ara because of you and Nics I have a very wonderful childhood even though I cant remember my back then you guys are always there to me Ara I miss you asking me to cook everyday to you cause you said once I have a boyfriend I'll not be able to cook one for you Ara you're our happy pill and sunshine but we still cant believe that god will take you early than we thought happy birthday and I pursue what you want back then to be a model right I did that to you baby maknae you said back then to us that we'll reach our dream with each other beside but I know you're watching us and guiding us above there and NAL was not complete without you baby maknae always remember that I love you and miss you happy birthday

    And a video start to flash

Ara: ugh wae of all people wae he'll like you Lalice dont ever let him court you arasseo

Lisa: ne ne geeze dont worry and I dont have a plan too and wae dont you make a move since he's your long time crush

Ara: nuh uh I'm going to uncrush him tsk seriously he might be dumb or blind for not seeing my efforts to him ughh

Nicole: that's what boys always do Ara geeze they act like a blind if they notice someone like them

Ara: from now on we'll going to ignore that fucking boy

Lisa & Nicole: ne ne

    And another one

Lisa: Ara we cant skip class

Ara: yes we can *grin*

Nicole: she's really stubborn ughh

Lisa: then what if they found out?

Ara: we'll use you cause everyone knows that our principal like you cause you won on different activities that you register and also you're validictorian dont worry *smirk*

Lisa: geeze fine just this one arasseo

Ara: I cant promise that *grin* kaja

    And another video

Lisa: wae cant we attend to prom?

Ara: because we know a lot of men will ask you to be their prom date while me and Nicole dont have one so you must be fair and let's just go to an roadtrip

Nicole: I'm in

Lisa: fine ughhh

    And another one

Ara: I want to get tattoo on my wrist

Nicole: and what will you get tattoo?

Ara: NAL for N for Nicole A for Ara and L for Lalice

Lisa: that must be good *smile*

    And the video on the Sewol Ferry which is separate

Ara: Lalice I love you always remember that you're the one who's obedient, kind and mostly pretty bff that I have cause Nics was handsome ughh plss keep bug Nics for me just to be a really girl you're our way just to cut class and will not get suspend to which I'm going to miss you're the one who always cook me a delicious food whenever I want you protect me well same to Nics I know you cant remember your past but Lalice you make a good memory with us and I know that memory you cant forgot that and I love you and will miss you thank you for being part of my life

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