💀The Beginning💔

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(This story was inspired by _Wolferia_, enjoy! Don't forget to vote and follow!)

Warning: This chapter contains blood and gore, read at your own risk.

~Y/n pov~

I tied/fixed up my hair and slid on my purple jacket. Winter has arrived already, I heard squeals and yells coming from behind me. But it was just me imagining it.

Christopher and Elizabeth. . . are dead.

They aren't alive. I must keep telling myself that, I hear their voices and laughs everywhere. I placed my hands on the table and closed my eyes to refresh my mind.
"Y/n." A voice said from behind me.
"Micheal. . . you're early." I said before turning to face him.
"My shift ended. You can go now, dad will be here soon." He said.

"Alright. Keys?" I said.
"Here." He replied before tossing me the car keys. I grabbed my bag and exited the house, walking to the car we both shared. Micheal had a huge change when the incident with Christopher had happened.

That sound of the hospital monitor flat lining. It was a ringing sound in my ears. I couldn't look at children the same anymore, not even hospital's. Me and Micheal were the only ones my dad had. He wasn't the same since he lost Chris and Elizabeth.

I got inside the car and buckled myself in before pulling out and onto the road. Even mom. So heartbroken by the fact that she had lost two little children. It was worse when we found out how she died, springlock failure in the Ballora suit. She was a beautiful dancer, so smooth and movable. . . the suit couldn't handle it. Leading it to snap and crush her inside of it.

Dad was the one who took all of the pain. Drinking his life away, but also. . . has been acting strange too. He's always in the basement or in his own office. . . Or at the pizzeria. He isn't fond of Micheal since he was involved with Christopher's death, but me. . . I hold no grudges against my dad or brother.

Family shouldn't be built off of hate and distrust, but forgiveness and love. I stomped my foot on the brake when I saw the red light.
"Ugh. . . drifting off again." I muttered.

I even had to dropout of highschool just to help my dad and brother, make sure the bills were paid, and to keep the peace with my brother and dad. I kept driving and decided to hear what was on the radio and of course they were talking about my little brother.

"So tell me, Cassandra, what do you think of the Fredbear's incident? With this and the whole missing children's incident?"
"Well, George, it's honestly a terrible accident-"
"It was no accident! Bystanders say it was a prank gone wrong! That the boy's own brother had shoved his face into the mouth of the rob-"

"And enough of that." I sighed before turning it off. Christopher's death was going around everywhere. First Liz now Chris. Am I next in this pattern? I am the second oldest to Mike. I just feel so guilty because I wasn't there, I wasn't there on his birthday to stop Mike from doing something stupid. . . if I was there then I could've done some-
"Hey!" Someone said as they tapped on the car window.
"Yes?" I replied.

"Are you going to sit in your car all day?" Henry asked with a small grin on his face.
"Oh. . . hey there, Henry. No I'm. . . I'm getting out." I said before unbuckling myself and getting out of the car.

Henry Emily, my dad's best friend and a Uncle figure to me and Mike.
"I'm sorry about Chris, Y/n, I have no idea what pain-"
"It's fine. . . honestly. You don't need to be sorry about anything, Chris is in a better place with mom and Lizzy." I said before locking the car.

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