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~Y/n pov~

I heard their chatter before I carefully peeked over and looked at the small crowd. Men and some women too. I couldn't see them all, but something else saw me. A lop sided dead walker making his way to me, his ripped apart arm and wobbling steps toward me.

His lifeless eyes and open mouth, bloody clothes and out stretched arm. I held the gun and aimed it at him. I then realized who that dead person was. . . Mr. Peterson. . . m-my old neighbor next to us.

His green eyes now colorless, regular toned skin now rotten, his glasses missing. I cocked it and stood up straight, taking small steps behind me.

Shoot him!
He's my old friend

He'll kill you!
I can't

You'll die!
I'll attract more with the gunshot

Do it!
I can't

He's getting closer!!

'BANG!' The sound echoed in my ears as the gun cocked back a bit in my hands. The sound turned everyone's head to me, more quickly saw me and some smelled the crowd above the house. They split in half before they charged at me?!

Mr. Peterson still kept walking to me, I aimed for the head and shot him again. One came up behind me before I ducked and rolled away, I kicked behind the dead persons knee and shot his head. The head is the main target.

L-Like on of those old video games back at the Pizzeria. But those things were called walkers or zombies. I shot another in the head as I watched her brains being splattered onto the road, I turned on my heel and took off to my house. I shot one in the neck and shoved past 2 others who were screaming with rage.

I saw an entire crowd of runners heading towards me. They called for back up?!! They screamed as they ran with hunger and blood lust. I managed to run inside of my house not even realizing that someone opened it for me. I turned around and saw Micheal locking it up again, he grabbed my arm and pulled me up before running up the stairs with me and into another room. He shoved me inside and boarded the door and blocked it with a chair and some cords.

He turned to look at me, out of breath and some tears welling up in his eyes.
"Y-Your okay. . ." he breathed out.
"I-I shot M-Mr. Peterson- I di-didn't want to b-"
"It's okay!" He said before falling to his knees and hugging me close to him.

"Thank God, your alive. . . your breathing. . . you haven't left me. . ." he sobbed. I wrapped my arms around him and held on tight, my tears soaking his shirt before he kissed my head and leaned his on mine.
"I'm just. . . I'm just so glad your okay. . . I can't imagine losing you too." He cried.

I hugged him and we stayed that way for a bit.

~3rd pov~

The large spread of this horrid infection spread through out the entire world. Scientist and doctors fled to find any type of cure, army's being overrun with the undead, plans of nuking and keeping people safe.

This all started by terrible mistake, a wrong delivery. All because someone wanted to go home early, they sent the wrong box to a shipping company. Sadly someone broke the glass tube and swallowed some of it, making his body twitch and shake violently. Making the sickness grow within his body, killing him with poison. But bringing him back with a thirst for blood.

He began to devour his friends, turning them into the dead walkers, scratching and biting, blood and guts, screams and death, spreading the infection to different cities and countries.

Attack On Freedom (AoT X Fnaf Zombie Apocalypse)Where stories live. Discover now