💙Our End🥀

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(The Final Chapter! Enjoy! There is also a voting poll down below and I need you to cast your votes because. . . Well. . . You'll see soon 😉)

~Y/n pov~

The clouds were gray as everyone stood in front of Comrade's grave. Even the other wolves showed respect to their fallen leader, they howled all together just for a goodbye.

The ceremony was over and I placed his old collar on the wooden cross on his grave. Liam held my hand the entire time, Levi held my side. As we began to walk back, I saw Uncle Henry walking off somewhere.

"Levi, can you take Liam back home? I need to talk to my uncle real quick."
". . . Alright, but be careful and come back soon." He said before kissing my cheek, he picked up Liam and walked away.

I ran after Henry and got to him before Micheal did.
"Tell us what happened."
"Uncle Henry, tell us what happened with our father, and with the missing children. Those animatronics, were did the Funtime ones come from?" I questioned.
". . . I'll tell you. . . But in private please." He said as he let us enter his cabin.

He shut the door and closed the windows before letting the blinds down. He lit a candle and sat down in a chair, me and Micheal sat on the couch and waited.

"What happened?'' I asked.
". . . Your father wasn't as all innocent as he seemed at first. . . Before he even went mad. . . I'll start from the beginning. . . When everything went down and became a knotted history of tragic events for families."

~Years ago~

Our story begins at Fredbear's Family Dine in 1972. It is a friendly resturant for family fun. No incidents have occured and the animatronics work as intended. The only animatronics we both created were Spring Bonnie and Fredbear, but they were also used as suits.

Springlocks remained in each suit, me and William would wear them to entertain the children, but those suits were hazardous. If you breathed too much or if a slick of moisture dripped into the springlocks, it'd snap and crush you from the inside. Some months passed and soon other hired employees would dawn the suits themselves. But one time. . . There was an incident, with William.

I knew something was off with him. He wasn't normal, he was quirky but. . . Off. I'd catch him in the office or by the corner of the restaurant just staring at children. . . Like as if he were counting them like sheep.

I didn't pay any mind to it, I knew he had some problems, we all did. Business was good, everything was good, until. . . It wasn't. . . It went downhill. . .


Striking me first.

One day, a birthday party was being hosted. And my daughter, Charlotte or Charlie, was there. I made a security animatronic to watch her when I was somewhere else. But that's for later, she was locked outside by a couple of kids who didn't like her. . .

And when I saw her. . . She was dead in the hospital bed. The murderer got away scot free since no one had caught him.

But I know who killed my daughter. . . William's first victim was her, my innocent little girl who wanted to live her own young life.

I disappeared from the business but never ignored the news and rumors of it while I stayed away. I was involved, but no one knew it.

And, unfortunately, this will be Fredbears first of many other victims tied to its name of murders. At first, I sold the company. . . The new owners flipped the restaurant upside down and created Fazbear's entertainment.

Not only did the get Fredbear's back on his feet, but by 1983, they've turned the franchise into a bit of multimedia empire with a TV show.

Plushies, toys, action figures, and most of all. . . The new Sister location Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. See, this newly revamped Fazbear franchise introduced a new slew of characters to the line up show named Fazbear and Friends, an old scrapped idea created by me years ago before they bought it.

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