🗡️Tell Me💌

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~Y/n pov~

"Y/n." Levi said just as I closed my eyes.
"Yes?" I replied.
"You would've made a great soldier." He said before I felt him lay down and fall asleep.

I would've. . . Been a great soldier? I closed my eyes and calmly slept.


Don't wake up. Sleep. Go back to sleep. My mind was telling me to wake up. . . I don't sleep in that often anymore. But my body. . . My body is telling me to stay here, where it's warm, and comfortable, and safe. Not out there, where it's cold and deadly.

The pillow was at a great angle for my head, it even had a breathing motion to calm me even more. Soft but firm in some parts, well mostly everywhere. It was even embracing me. And a great smell too, I cuddled it and nuzzled my face a little more into it.

So nice, until. . . I felt a pair of legs wrap with mine. My eyes snapped open. Oh god. Oh god. Damn. Crap. Shiznit!

I was literally half on top of Levi's chest. My arms were hugging him?! He was still asleep. Okay. . . Okay, just slowly untangle my legs from his, move my arm- DAMMIT!!!

He turned to his side and slid his arms around my back before sliding my forward. Face to face with his. God, he was only inches away from me.

His arms felt nice around me, his warm breath was touching my face. I moved my hand to his forehead before my fingertips brushed his hair out of his face. What horrors did he and his friends go through? Being in that world with Titans. . . How many people have they all lost?

It looked like he was dreaming of something. His eyes would momentarily squeezed together before going back to normal. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes, thinking of what I should do now. If I move too much, I'll wake him up. I froze when I felt him move around a bit, his chin resting on my head.

My body was dragged closer to his chest as he held me tightly in his arms. I rested and got comfortable in his arms, I began to fall asleep before he grunted and woke up. I didn't move.

I kept my eyes closed, my breathing was calm. I felt something brush my hair from my jaw and behind my ear, did Levi just do that?!! Don't move! Don't panic! Don't squirm or make a single sound!

". . . Dammit." He sighed quietly before getting up, trying his best to be quiet and non-disruptive. He covered me with the blanket and I think was getting ready, I opened my eyes when he closed the door.

He was gone finally. I stayed in the same place but thought about what he just did. He moved my hair out of my face? For what? Why did he say that?

I question things too much. Overthink them. He just thought about our awkward place, nothing more. But, I kinda wanted it to be. . . More.

Blagh!! No! Gross! The apocalypse is no time to be all lovey dovey with someone who barely shows any emotions!!

I got up and put my shoes on before finding my gun and checking how much ammunition I had left. I got up and left the room before feeling Comrade jump on my side.
"Gah!! Dude. . . You can't keep doing that!" I groaned as he licked my neck and face.

I pushed him off and calmed him down, Micheal was wide awake as he ran over to me.
"Here." He said.
"Wha- M-Micheal!? Where'd you get this?!" I was holding a non-expired Snickers bar.
"I have my ways. Also. . . I think I know where dad might be." He grinned.

"Really? Where?" I asked.
"In the next city, not too far from us. I think I tuned your walkie into someone else's channel and I heard his and uncle Henry's voice." He smiled.
"Oh my- Micheal that's amazing! We're going to see dad again!" I smiled brightly.

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