🕯️A Hello and painful Goodbye💔

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~3rd pov~

Y/n and Micheal walked out, Micheal helping Y/n walk out to see the animatronics in a group. Rabbits, bears, and chickens. The puppet was floating in front of them, once it's eyes found Micheal and Y/n, it froze.

Micheal couldn't tell if it was crying or not. The soldiers and people surrounded the animatronics, they stood altogether.

"What's happening?" Micheal asked Henry as he ran towards them.
"They have gone insane, they busted down the doors and started to rampage through the town." Riftan said, holding both Liam and Lilo in his arms.

Henry looked at the puppet and slowly walked closer to it.
"Marionette, I know your confused. But once I take you back to the shed, I'll repair you and-"
"NO!" She shouted.

The voice high pitched and sounding like a small girl. The same voice Y/n heard back at the pizzeria, when the puppet attacked her. It took Y/n a moment to come to realize the reason why she was screaming for him.

"Charlie?" Y/n said.
"What?" Henry asked.
"Uncle Henry. . . That. . . That's-"
"Daddy. . ." The small voice said, filled with broken joy.

Henry could hear that clear voice, so familiar. He raised that voice, he took care of that voice, he loved that voice, he lost that voice.

He looked closer at the Marionette. Tears filling his eyes when the voice spoke up again.
"Daddy. . . It's me. . . Charlotte. . . I've been. . . Waiting for you. . ." She said.

Henry covered his mouth as he walked to her.
"Charlie. . . Oh. . . Oh Charlie, what happened-. . . He. . . He did this. . . Did William do this?!" He asked as he held the hand of the puppet.

She nodded her head and hugged Henry instantly. He held the slim figure and tried so hard not to cry, Micheal and Y/n both ran to the Puppet and hugged her as well for they knew Charlie.

She was like another sister to Micheal and Y/n, a sister that wasn't annoying but more sweet.
"I was s-scared for so long. . . I had to watch them. . . And plan for so long. . . He will pay for what he's done to us. . ."
"Charlie. . . William, he's-"
"Coming back." Y/n cut in as she walked to the Puppet.

"He's coming back and he's controlling an animatronic to kill us. He's after me and Micheal only, you can have your revenge but I don't know how you want it."
"To live like us. . . To rot away in a body he cannot escape from."
". . . Okay then, but he's coming here. If he does, he'll destroy the gates and let the dead run inside."

Henry walked to her side and told her a plan he's been working on for a long time in her ear. She nodded with agreement and said that Micheal will be the distraction and that everyone should guard him when William finds him.

"What are you doing?" Levi asked as he pulled Y/n aside.
"Saving this town from my father, Levi. Liam will need your protection, I'm trusting you to protect him."
"You will protect him, I will fight-"
"No, Levi. He's my father, it's my fight."
"Liam's your son, he needs you more than me-"
"Your an Ackerman. So is he, he needs your strength and relationship of a Father. The squads need me." She said.

"General!" Riftan yelled.
"I'm coming! . . If anything goes wrong, run back here with the recruits and lock down the walls and gates." She said, "Everyone, get your horses and weapons now!!"

She ran off with the animatronics following close behind her. The gates opened and out went the entire squad.
"We need to kill him! If we don't! He'll kill us all! He'll allow the innocent children to be devoured or killed by his own hands! Bring William to the animatronics! They will handle his demise! Listen to your squad leaders, if the plan goes wrong! Fall back and lock up the town!!! Protect the others and evacuate if the walls fail you!!!"

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