everybody I know is an IDIOT

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Elijah ⚠️

I look at my computer silently. "Now, VIDEO" I say as I wave my hands in front of the screen as if I was conducting a magic trick. "Nice method" a voice whispers from the hallway. I jumped out of my chair to face the doorway which presented my twin brother Ethan. "You scared me, fuck off" I say jokingly as i sit back down. "Having trouble finding something to make a video on?" Ethan asks as he walks closer to the PC and clicks the off button. "We haven't posted on the Best Bois channel in forever so let's make a vlog". I spin around in my chair as Ethan steps back, so now we're facing eachother. "We don't have any content ideas, We can't post bullshit again" I scoff. "BULLSHIT? We never posted bullshit, everyone loved it Elijah." I stare at him for a second. "Obviously our supporters don't think it was shitty, they support us, but we know what he can do and that wasn't meeting our own standards" I say standing up and walking past Ethan heading towards the door. he starts speaking. "Oh Shut up lije, our how to bathe a cat video was a HIT." I keep walking down the steps ignoring the rest of his words.

A couple hours later………

I hear feet running up the stairs and footsteps coming closer to my bedroom I hop in my bed, lay down, and face away from the door. I pretend to sleep but it was useless. Ethan opens my door, runs up to me and shoves his phone in my face. "LOOK" he yells at me. It was an Instagram page. "This girl lives in our town and she can cook… maybe we can get her to teach us for a video and she can get paid for it. it's like a win-win situation". "NO don't do that Ethan" I yell at him while sitting up. He stands there and stares at me. "Don't tell me-" I stopped mid sentence and put a burning glare in his eyes. "Tomorrow at noon" Ethan says rushing around my bed to get to the door. I quickly spin to the other side and stick my foot out, Ethan stumbles over it on his way out and sticks his middle finger up at me. "Get the camera ready" he smirks on his way out.

I stay silent, gawking about what just happened. I snap out of it and grab for my phone. "Instagram, Instagram, Instagram" I murmur to myself as I type in my password and go to the app. "Holy shit what was her username?" I say in the back of my head as I stare at a empty search bar. Then I realized I got over 50 new followers. That was pretty high for me normally so I check it out. It was a bunch of fanpages for some chick, confused, I scroll down my notifications and see the first person to follow me was that cooking girl Ethan showed me. I click on her page and the first thing I see is her bio. " I slice meat and yours might be next 🌭" I stare at it for a bit and then scroll further "this girl has to be a joke" there's some videos of her being silly and cutting food into dick shapes but there's pictures of really good looking food as well. I follow her back and dm her.
Elijah: hey My twin brother dm'ed you earlier and  we've decided to cancel the Collab. Sorry.

Y/n: uh I think tf not you trick ass bioch 😩

Elijah: excuse me?

Y/n:  I think tf not..

Elijah: is this a joke or something??

Y/n: you obviously aren't dank.. it's a meme...

Elijah: oh ok.. well did you see my message?

Y/n: yes but I'm not agreeing to cancel it

Elijah: UM well why not?

Y/N: because the fitnessgram Pacer test is a multi-stage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues.

Elijah: could you please stop. I'm being serious. This is so immature.

Y/N: see you tomorrow, my friend.    🔪🍆

Elijah: WHOA. I said we would like to cancel it.


Come on don't ignore me.


"God everyone I know is an idiot" I say to myself as I yank my blankets over my face.

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