everyone I know is an idiot PART 2

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Y/n keeps her eyes glued to the counter top as me and Ethan re-straighten ourselves. "Okay, video time!" Ethan says starting the camera. Me and Ethan walk into frame and start talking about y/n as our special guest. "we have y/n with us and she's gonna teach us how to make home made pizza all from scratch." I look down at her and I add another comment. "shes so dope she busts through the competition" she looks at me with a glare sharper than knifes. "well today Elijah is gonna expose his true talent for cooking" Ethan realizes what we're doing and walks in-between us. "Ahem, y/n let's see the ingredients" she turns towards the fridge and grabs a bowl full of vegetables and holds them to the camera "look you guys, they're so fresh and vibrant, definitely the best looking things I've seen today" I give her a nice solid elbow and she almost falls over. She slams the bowl down on the counter top and shoves me. "Listen here you little shit" she says stepping closer to me. "What little GIRL?" I say bending down to her eye level, obviously she wasn't actually a little girl but I was much taller than her. Ethan once again gets between us and stops our argument "look guys, all this is, is a collab so get it together and we can go on our non-nude merry ways" he cracks a smile but me and y/n keep a straight face. 

We take about 3-4 hours to complete the video and as soon as we do y/n starts cleaning up and washing utensils silently. Me and Ethan stand and watch her move fast yet steady. Ethan decides to break the silence, "y/n... That pizza was good where'd you learn to cook" she looks at him for a second. "My brain. And whatever my brain couldn't figure out I googled it." Ethan nods "it takes a lot of talent to do anything self taught." She flashes a fake looking smile, probably the best one she can render considering her mood. "All done" she says as she grabs her cooking bag and purse. "See ya" she says heading out the door. Before we could respond to her the door is already closed and a few seconds later her car starts and she pulls off.  I look at Ethan who is now staring at me. I turn my back to go upstairs but he stops me "Elijah, wait bro" I turn back around and sit at a stool. "What?" Ethan sits next to me and looks me in my eyes "you're an asshole". I stop crouching over the counter and sit up straight





I pause. "Your right Ethan" I stand up and put him in a chokehold and we start wrestling. We've been play fighting since we were around 10 years old and we got hurt every time, good memories. I let him go and sit back on the stool. "No seriously though Elijah, you were rude to her and all she did was compliment you"
I flip my hair and I was oblivious to what he said until a couple seconds later..."COMPLIMENT ME? WHEN? WHAT'D SHE SAY?" he looks at me and smirks. "Some stuff" I grab him by his collar and shake him once again "what stuff Ethan". He starts laughing and spinning in the stool "why should I tell you, you seemed pretty pissed off at us both". I groan in anticipation "come on man, TELLL MEEE". he stops spinning and faces me "well yesterday she asked if you were single, and when I asked why she said she was just wondering. And I was serious when I said she said you were cute while sleeping" I look at him for a second "wow she really is flirting on me to you" he smiles. "That's not all" I turn sharply towards him "come on dude don't play with me like that." Ethan leans closer to me and whispers even though we were the only ones in the house "she said you had a body like a god" I start laughing and I give him a little shove.  "Stop lying." he looks at me with a certain look that I couldn't put my finger on, but I could tell he was telling the truth. " Bro she's into you" he says in a more serious tone. "She IS pretty cute-" I say but I cut myself off and start again "I ruined it Ethan, there's no way she's still into me. DAMN IT. I fucked up." Ethan's face dropped. " You're probably right, maybe you just have to get on her good side." I glance at him and stand up "Ethan you have a girlfriend, how do I do that? How do I get on a girl's good side?" He puckers his lips and looks away from me "I... kinda don't know how" he says still looking away from me. "How do you not know how?" I ask him. "Well me and Amie kind of just gravitate back to eachother after an argument or something so I never really had to do anything to get back on her good side". I groan. Ethan stands up and walks towards the stairs. "Maybe you can ask Amie, a girl knows girls, right?"

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