NEVER do it again.

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This is for you bdsm babes :)

It's a 7 months later and me and Ethan were taking a trip and visit some YouTube friends we have. Albert and Jake. Florida was a very hot place so it was like a much needed vacation for us.  I leave out the airport and breathe in the fresh air. "Damn it's nice down here" I say to Ethan who was too busy looking for Alberts car. "There he is" Ethan says pulling his suitcase behind him towards a car someone was waving out of. "ETHAN ELIJAH OVER HERE".  I leave my suitcase with Ethan to put in the trunk and hop in the car.

We start greeting each other after  Ethan hops in. "Yo guys, were going to my hangout first, and I have some other friends coming too" Albert says looking at us. "That's cool man" I responded as I put on my seat belt

As were pulling into the hangout. I start complementing it. "This looks sick dude". It really was nice. Albert parks and we walk in. There was Jake and some other people. We go over there and start conversating. A good 30 mins go by and the door opens.  There's three women walking in. One of them looks so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it, Ethan on the other hand, knew exactly who it was. "Y/N?" he says excitedly waving. The girl screeches and runs over to us. "omg Ethan I haven't seen you in forever, any of you actually" she jokes. she goes around and hugs everyone, including me. But for some reason I felt like she purposefully attempted to squeeze the living shit out of me one rib at a time.

She walks to the other girls and grabs their hands. This is Mack and this is kadeesha. These are my best friends of 17 years. She fake coughs and clears her throat. She proceeded to bring the sarcastic ass punchline, or whatever you even call it  "a flex obviously". Everyone is laughing and talking about how long they've been friends but I wasn't moved by her joke I stood there expressionless. One of her friends notices me, nudges her then whispers something. Y/n looks up at me and smirks. I was caught off guard by it. What did she say? Why did she look at me like that.  I step back a little and look away.

The rest of the daytime was pretty fun, we played around, hung out, and talked. But it was just a struggle to avoid y/n and her friends all day.

We decided as a group to go eat out in the afternoon. I hover around outside to act like I'm looking for my wallet but In reality I'm just waiting for y/n to sit her ass down so I don't have to sit by her or her little goons. Right when I'm sure the coast is clear I go inside.

The  booth we're sitting at was like a big C shape and the only two open areas were right next to y/n and the seat next to that. "Fuck I'm screwed" I think to myself as I hesitantly sit down In the seat farthest from her. She types quickly on her phone and 10 seconds later one of her friends comes from the bathroom and basically slides me closer next to y/n and sealing the weird gap by scooting me with her hip. They obviously planned this, but what the fuck, why. 

Y/n pov:
Since I first found out Elijah was gonna be in Florida visiting Albert and Jake as well, I knew I was going to fuck with him. I got his dm months back but I never responded. I was holding a grudge and was so pissed off that he made me look like a fool. But I couldn't stay angry at a man so cute and so damn fine. I told my friends about him and about what I told his brother, but they never let me text him back because they say he's toxic and rude. I laughed at them. "Did you guys forget who I am? I love a mean ass dom guy.. he's prefect". But they still never let me. I would've probably snuck and done it, but me and my friends live together, I can't get anything past them. I tried to convince them that he was joking and meant no harm but of course I opened my big ass mouth too soon and they knew which of my two stories where true.

I begged for them to let me go on a date with him and they made a compromise with me. I have to purposefully make him mad then come on to him to see how he would react to my personality if we were together, since you know, aggression turns me on. If he matches energy I can try with him, and if he doesn't I have to drop the idea of him. Of course there's a 95% chance he's going to be like "WTF". But then there's that 5% chance he rocks with it and I'd be able to accept his date offer..... even though it's been 7 months.

When I first saw him I hugged him extremely tight. Partly because of the compromise but also because I wanted to touch him so bad. Thinking about his naked body STILL excited me. I made a stupid joke about my friends just to mess with everyone but Elijah wasn't having it. Kadeesha pointed it out and I smirked at him. Again, partly bc of the deal and also because he's hot. Then at the restaurant I made mack help me box him in since I know he most likely hated my guts and didn't want to be near me. This is where the party got started.

While everyone looked through the menu, I kept looking over his shoulder, breathing extra hard on him. Then when I got my drink I slurped in his ear. I know this all sounds childish, but a girls gotta do what she's gotta do when it comes to her love life. Besides it's not how I'd actually make him mad if we were together but I don't need him catching on. I getting ready to do my final move. I grabbed my glass of water and acted like I  accidentally bumped him with it. It spilled all over his sweatshirt and was running down. Everyone at the table is staring and trying to hand me napkins. We run out the napkins and I act like I'm panicking. I grab his wrist and drag him with me "I have thicker ones in the car" I say letting the door close behind me.

Elijah pov:
Y/n spilled water all over me. I wasn't embarrassed. I was mad. What the hell is she doing. She's being rude, obviously on purpose but nobody else noticed since the only ones surrounding me was her and her friends. They aren't going to tell her to stop, they probably know she's doing on purpose. Y/n dragged me outside to go get napkins out of her car. "OMIGAWD Elijah I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to oml this is so embarrassing" she sounds so sarcastic it hurts. I stay quiet in order to not cuss her out, but that didn't help. She's dabbing the water off my shirt and I push her hands off me. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU'RE FAKE ACTING CLUMSY NOW? YOU LITERALLY WORK WITH KNIVES, FUCKING KNIFES. YOU KNOW YOU CAN HOLD A DAMN WATER CUP. YOU'VE, BEEN BOTHERING ME ALL EVENING, DO YOU NEED A DOCTOR. LIKE-" I was going to continue screaming at her but she was gripping my hoodie sleeves. "What are you doing." I say to her as she looks up at me and stares me in my eyes. She hugs me very tight and shoves her face into me. "I'm sorry Elijah please forgive me" her muffled voice says. She sounds so beggy, I couldn't keep yelling. She sits down in the car and looks away from me. I shove myself in the car next to her and stare at her. Although I feel bad, I'm not going to baby her. "Why are you doing it" I ask in a angry sounding voice.

"Why are you doing it" he asks me. He sounds very upset and his voice is loud. I was going to keep the act up but the submission in me said no, and I listened. "Fine. I was testing you." I admit. "Why?" he questions sounding more curious. I take an annoyed deep breath. "to see if you would react the way I wanted." He doesn't take his eyes off me. "Why?" He asks again. I ignore him. "WHY?" He yells at me. I turn my whole body away from him. He did what I least expected. He grabbed my hair and pulled so that I was leaning back. He looked me in my eyes "WHY" he yelled again gripping my hair tighter. I whine and give in, "to see if we were compatible." He lets go of my hair and clears his throat. Are we? He asks. "I don't know yet" I respond with irritation in my voice. He squints at me, and it makes me uncomfortable. "Stop" I say looking at him. He doesn't move a muscle. "STOP" I yell at him. He still doesn't move. I pull his hoodie stings and bury my face into his chest. "STOP". I hear him laughing. I look up at him mad and he starts rubbing my lower back. Was this sexy man really touching on me like this... Out of nowhere? I grab his shoulders and slightly lift myself up so that now his hand is on my ass, come on.. I couldn't resist. He all of a sudden grips my ass as tight as he could. "Why didn't you respond to my DM??" He asks. I whine in pain. "Answer" he says looking at me. I'm almost in tears. "I DIDN'T ANSWER BECAUSE MY FRIENDS SAID WAIT BECAUSE I TOLD THEM ABOUT YOU BECAUSE I WAS MAD AND BECAUSE YOU'RE HOT AND THEY SAID YOU SEEMED TOXIC AND TO SEE IF WE WERE COMPATIBLE BEFORE I SPOKE WITH YOU AGAIN PLEASE LET GO" I screamed those words at him desperate for him to let go. I don't even know if my sentences sounded correct, I just wanted him to stop. He finally ungrips me and my ass cheek is extremely sore and definitely bruised. Tears are welling in my eyes and Elijah grabbed me and held me. "Good girl" he said kissing me and wiping my tears. "But never do anything like that again he says playing with my hair. Although I'm in pain, Elijah's kissing me. Score.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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