"Chresanto! Your friend is here." My mom called out from downstairs. I got off my bed and walked downstairs to get Jacob. If you didn't know, Jacob is the boy that's pregnant with my child. Jacob is 15, and I'm 17. I'm glad that god chose today to be hot, because Jacob wasn't dressed all... Feminine.
I was happy that he only had on basketball shorts and a wife beater, because my parents are homophobic.. They would assume I'm gay -which I am. And they wouldn't let Jacob in the house.
It's not that I like it or don't like it, I don't care honestly. I never was attracted to him like that. He just looked fuckable and had a big ass, so I fucked him for 2 months... That is until he told me the news.Jacob and I walked into my room, and I closed the door. I walked over to my computer chair, and sat in it while Jacob stood awkwardly by the door, looking at the ground. "Um.. You can sit on the bed if you want." I said, pointing to my bed. "Okay." He muttered, and walked over, sitting on my bed. It was awkwardly silent for a while, then I had decided to ask a stupid question. "So.. You're pregnant?" I whispered. "Obviously Chresanto." He rolled his eyes. I know I've only known him for 2 months, but I honestly think he has a bipolar problem. He just went from shy to annoyed and sassy in less than 3 minutes. "How far along are you?" I asked. "2 weeks." He said, looking worried.
"Look, my parents are homophobic and aren't gonna let me see the child." I said, looking all around the room.
"What the fuck? What kind of fucking parents won't let their child -who is gonna be a father- not be in the baby's life?" Jacob snapped. "Shut up!" I growled. I don't want my parents to hear our conversation, because they most likley will ease drop. "Look.. I'm not ready for a baby." I said, putting my head in my hands. Jacob didn't move, say anything, or make a sound.
I took my head out my hands and looked up to see what he was doing. He was just sitting on his hands, on my bed, looking out the window. "you want me to raise this baby by my fucking self!?" He said, getting louder with every word. "Look-" I started to say but my mom opened the door. "Do you wanna play call of duty ghosts? Or 2k15? Cause ill beat you in any one you pick." I questioned, acting as-if I didn't see my mom right there. "Eh, 2k15." He said, making his voice deeper as he caught onto what I was doing. "Haha, hey boys. Chres your father and I are going to run a few earrands. Your friend can stay until I get back." She smiled. "Okay ma." I said, and waved her off.After their car pulled off, I looked at Jacob again."Abort it." I plainly said.
Jacob was looking straight ahead, but whipped his head to the side and looked at me. "What the fuck? Repeat that." He said, standing up. I sat there, sitting back in the chair relaxing. Everything I've told him these past 2 months, he listens so I bet he's gonna listen to me now. I found the easy way out of being a parent.
"Why the fuck would you say something like that Chresanto!?" He screamed at me. I rolled my eyes. Abortion wasn't a big deal to me at this moment.
"Do you know what the fuck an abortion is!? It's killing an innocent baby!" He screamed. "Shut up! My neighbors are nosey as hell!" I yelled at him. "No! You shut the fuck up! Don't tell me what the fuck to do! I can't believe you would say some dumb, stupid ass shit like that!" He yelled. "Jacob! You're 15! I'm 17! We aren't ready for a baby!" I screamed back. "It doesn't mean I have to abort the fucking baby! I actually will try and be a good parent, you'll just be a dead beat ass daddy who isn't gonna show his face!" Jacob shouted. "Jacob I don't want you to have my first child! I don't even like you like that! I just liked your ass!" I confessed. "You don't have to like me to raise a child with me! So what you don't want me to be your first baby mamma/ baby daddy! It's your fault that you decided to bust a nut without a got damn condom!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. "I'm fucking leaving, I'll raise this baby my damn self." I sat back in my chair, closing my eyes. Damn, damn, damn.. This is so much to think about. Jacob stood there for a minute waiting on me to say something, then rolled his eyes and walked out my room. I followed him downstairs and opened the front door. I couldn't wait for him to get out of this house so that I could have the rest of the day by myself to process all of this. Before he walked out the house he looked at me seriously, crying hard, then walked out. I locked the door, and walked into my room to get a blunt from a box in my closet.
We're Too Young (Royce)
AcakWhen Chresanto finds out he's going to be a father, his life changes dramatically. And he has to start a relationship with someone he isn't even attracted to like that...