Chapter 1

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Namaari was sitting in the Sherrif's Office of Valentine. It's a hot summer day and for days nothing has happened in Valentine and in the area around the small city. Namaari has worked as deputy with her mother since she was 12 years old and was promoted to sheriff after her mother retired. That was 2 years ago and even though people thought that women, could never be as effective as men, both have proven them wrong and made Valentine a safe place for its inhabitants. Since she is in charge, Namaari has exterminated crime and gave every outlaw and criminal the punishment they deserved.

Namaari was sitting on a chair, with her legs on the desk and almost dying of boredom, when her mother entered the building. By the attenmt to remove her legs from the desk she nearly falls down. "Good morning my morning mist." greets her mother "I see you are starting the day very productive."

Namaari ignores the joke about her productivity and answers: "I think I was a little too productive these last 2 years. Sometimes I wish somebody would make something illegal." Her mother seems to be amused, but is soon again putting a serious face on: "Anyway I  have the new wanted posters for you." Namari has still the problem that her mother still wants to help her, everywhere she can and still treats her like a small child. "You know I could have done it by myself, you really don't need to do this anymore." Virana gives Namaari the wanted posters.
When she looks through the not very interesting faces, Namaari wishes that maybe a miracle happens and somebody's face appears who could be a challenge. No luck. "And another boring day is over" she thinks when her mother begins speaking again: "There is also one thing I want to discuss with you."
"If it's about the guy who wants to marry me, you know my answer is still no." answers Namaari annoyed.

"No its not about that." Virana finally says "it's because I got the Information that the bounty of the known outlaw "Hellfire" was increast to 5000$."
Hearing this name made Namaari twitch.

"Hellfire" was the nickname of the only outlaw who Namaari never was able to catch. This fact hunted Namaari every day and night, not because "Hellfire" was some psychopath and needed to be stopped, it was because every time she meets her, Namaari has a always a strange feeling when being around Her, she sometimes also caught herself being distracted by the other woman's eyes or hair, which gave her always the opportunity to escape. She couldn't help but thinking of her hands when they grab for her revolver in insane speed. This ability of reaching her weapons in record time, made "Hellfire" the best gunslinger of the west.

Namaari's thoughts were disturbed by her mother continuing speaking: "My informant also gave me the information that "Hellfire" plans to rob a train that drives from here to Saint Denis."
"A train robbery? That information has to be wrong. Robbing a train, alone is basically suicide and "Hellfire" is not that dumb." Namaari says
Her mother answers unimpressed: "If I were you I wouldn't underestimate these criminals, they would do anything, if there is a lot money to earn."
At this point Namaari had to admit that her mother was right, these outlaws only care about money and not around the people around them.

When her mother left, Namaari grabbed her hat and weapon belt, and left Valentine with the feeling that she would today finally catch Raya "Hellfire" Heart.

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