Chapter 3

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The next day after Raya joined the gang, she wanted to get to know the gang a little better. After Raya stood up and dressed herself she wanted to walk around the camp and start some conversations with the gang members.

Because it was very early, most of the gang was sleeping, so Raya didn't have much a choice.
he first person she encountered was the tall an who led her to her sleeping place. "Morning." He greeted
Raya continued: "Morning...? She stopped because she forgot his name. "Bill. Bill Williamson" He corrected her "Oh yeah. sorry, I'm normally very good at remembering names. But anyway how's going?" She asked a little embarrassed
"Pretty good, good but I think we all have to get used to this new situation."

At this point Bill was right, Raya also had first to process that she practcally over night joined a gangSo I'll get going. See you later. She said and left.

While wandering around around she, wrote as usual Bill's look in her notebook:

He was very tall broad, he had brown eyes, long brown hair and a beard. His outfit was rather messy. He was wearing a brown hat, a plaid shirt and blue working pants. He was obviously the rough guy of the gang.

 He was obviously the rough guy of the gang

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Raya continued walking around and writig in her notebook until she bumped into somebody. They both fell on the ground but Raya immediately stood up to help the other person.
It was a woman about Rayas age maybe a little bit older than her.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention!"
She apologised.
"No need to apologise, I think we are both to blame for this she chuckled.
Then Raya noticed that the woman had a book n her hands, which she probably read when they bumped into each other.

"I'm Mary-Beth, nice to finaly meet you

Raya wondered that Mary-Beth knew who she was. "So you heard of me?" She asked. "Of course I know who you are, I love the stories about all the famous gunslingers, but besides of my fantasy I never met one in person. I have so many questions. Your life must be so exciting and romantic!" She had to be very excited because of the speed she was speaking.

"Your life must be exciting as well, I mean you are traveling around the country with a group of outlaws. Besides I would have never thought that a person like you would join a gang of criminals."
"Well. You should never judge a book by its cover. I maybe look like I can't defend myself or that I cannot make my contribution.
It's true that I cannot work to make money or take part at a robbery. But I collect informations about possible targets, for example the gang only knows about this train because of me."

Raya had to admit that she was impressed, about what she just heard.
"I have to admit that I really judged you too fast. But I have to keep going, hope we can talk again sometimes."

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