Chapter 4

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(The day of the robbery)

Namaari was on her way to the train station of Valentine, to check when the train should arrive.

When she walked inside the building the receptionist greeted her: "Good day Sherrif Fang, what pleasure to have you here." "Good day to you too.I'm here because a certain train should arrive today, it would be very important to secure it at all cost." Namaari said.
"Ah yes, by my plan this train should arrive every minute, the investors can't wait to go to Saint Denis."

Namaari looked outside and noticed the many impatent people waiting for the train to arrive. It would be indeed difficult to secure the train from the outside, with only 6 sherrifs counting her in.
After 10 minutes the train arrived and Namaari set out with her deputies.

(Change of view: Raya)

Today was the day! The day when they finally rob this train. The plan was clear, but Raya still had a bad feeling, its a big deal when you want to rob a "Cornwall" train
The gang already told Raya not worry because they already robbed one of Cornwalls trains.
But Charles told her the truth, that they only managed to rob the train by luck, because Arthur somehow managed to stop it.

But for now the plan was clear:
When the train arrives their hiding spot Raya, Arthur, John, Charles and Sadie will jump on the train from their horses and take out the guards.
Dutch and Hosea take out the train driver to stop the train.
Bill guards the passengers
And Javier tries to break up the safe.
Micah, Lenny, Kieran and Sean hide with the horses until the train stops and everything up.

But Raya couldn't stop worrying, she knew that any plan, as good as it was, could fail.
She wasn't really keen on giving her life in Arthur's hands either, like the last time the gang robbed a train.

(A few hours later)

Raya was sitting on Tuk Tuk ready to jump. Next to her were Arthur and Sadie, both very nervous like her, They were hiding in an tunnel sp that the sherrifs who patrolled around the train couldn't see then. Then she heard it, the train was arriving.

They began riding towards the train and when they were next to it, Sadie first jumped on the driving train Raya, John and Arthur followed.
They were immediately spotted and caught in a firefight.
They had take cover behind the cargo and shot back.
It was chaos, Raya managed to kill 3 guards buy there were too many and they were too difficult to shoot.

"There are too many!" John shouted.
"I will distract them and give you cover." Sadie shouted and climbed at the wagons wall and climbed to the side. Arthur commanded: "Come back here. Goddammit!"
When Sadie reached the other side she took out the guards.
Together Raya, John and Arthur took out the remaining guards.

Then Raya heard a scream. She looked at the side and saw the train driver rolling at the side, the train stopped what signalised that Dutch and Hosea succeeded.

"Mr. Williamson you Mr. Smith, Mr. Matthews and Mr. Morgan get the passenger's money.
Mr. Escuela you break up the safe.
Ms. Adler go ride to the rest and tell them to bring the horses.
Ms. Heart and Mr. Marston you load the money backs on the horses when they arrive." Dutch commanded.

It's was chaotic but the plan was working, Raya couldn't belive her luck until she heard a familiar voice shouting from the outside.

(Change of view: Namaari)

Namaari was riding with her deputies a little further away. She scanned everything that could be a possible threat but couldn't spot anything.
Now they were reaching an tunnel were they had to go around.

Halfway across the hill where the tunnel went through, she heard guns shooting. Namaari rode as fast as she could to reach the train.

She now rode next to train, when she saw a figure laying on the ground. It was the train driver, he stood up and luckily seemed not to be hurt.

The train stopped and Namaari got off her horse, pointing her gun at the entrance of an wagon, her deputies did the same.

"In the name of the law come out now and surrender!" She shouted
For a moment nothing happened, then the door was slammed open.

Raya got out the train with one revolver in each hand pointing at Namaari. She wore a bandana which covered her face. Namaari had to admit that she felt disappointed to not see her face.

"Hey there sherrif Undercut." Raya said and Namaari felt a little blush coming to her face.

"Raya, I would have never thought that even you would be that stupid to rob this train with a bounty of 5000$ on your head." Namaari answered.
"5000$? Can I turn myself in?" Raya joked. (I know its just a cheap copy of Arthurs joke but the opportunity was just too perfect)
"Surrender now, you are all alone against us 6." Namaari answered
"You think so? NOW!"Raya shouted and many masked persons got out the train and pointed they're weapons at them.
Namaari's squad was surrounded.

"May I introduce, my new friend, Dutch Van der Linde and his gang. Raya said. Now lay your weapons down."
Namaari hesitated.
"Do what she says." Namaari finally ordered.
After they laid their weapons down, Raya came closer and stopped only a few centimeters from Namaaris face.
Then she grabbed her revolver and hit Namaari on the head. She fell on the ground and became uncontious soon after.

When Namaari woke up, she had a massive headache, she looked around and saw the gang loading bags at their horses. She wanted to run and stop them but her hands and feet were tied.

She couldn't belive it. Raya has really outsmarted Namaari, it was embarrassing.

She looked around and saw her deputies. Luckily they were all alive.
She then again looked over to Raya and shouted: "Raya! Unbind me, do you hear me!"
Raya looked over and said: "Good morning sherrif, unfortunately my hands are too full with all the money I just stole, so that untying wouldn't do anything.

Namaari could explode out of anger.
"We ride!" She heard a man shouting, it was obviously this Dutch.
With these words, they mounted their horses and moments later the gang disappeared.

(Change of view: Raya)

While riding with the gang back, she only thought about Namaari.
Hopefully the hit on the head was not too hard.
But it was Namaari, she could handle anything.

When they got back to camp they first divided the money. Raya got plenty but less than she hoped because the camp got the majority.

After that all they celebrated their massive success and that Raya joined the gang. They sang songs at the campfire and there was much drinking. While singing the songs, were most of the gang participated, Raya noticed that Arthur and Sean had  beautiful singing voices much in contrast to their rough looks.

The singing and drinking lasted hours but Raya left early. She wanted to stand up but was too drunk to walk. It ended up that Arthur and Javier carried her to her tent whih she got as a present for joining the gang.

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